英語はひとつではありません チャールズ先生(横浜・大坂上) ETCマンツーマン英会話

charles_wp02Q お生まれはどちらですか?

I wan born in a small town on the North Sea called West Hartlepool. It is in County Durham, and about 40 miles from the border of Scotland. When I was young, the main industry was fishing and coal mining. But I spent very few years of my early childhood for there, then we moved to Scotland, and lived in the Loch Lomond area. “Lock” is the Scottish word for lake. And in these days, Loch Lomond is famous for its golf course. Then my parents moved to a place called Ascot. I also lived in navel cities like Kingston upon Hull, which is used to be one of the capitals of England

Q 先生の職歴についてお聞かせください。

In England, real work was like I used to be psychiatric nurse and I also did hotel management. Then I went on a special course to get a teaching certificate from Coventry University, so I could teach in Japan. The first company I taught for was AIT in Futakotamagawa for about 3 years. Then I taught for Soka high school system in Hachioji area for about 3 years. And I also taught at Showa Gakuen in Matsudo for about 3 years. While at same time, I was teaching for English business school systems as well as in my spare time. On business, I taught Tokyo GAS, Marubeni, et cetera. I have lived in Japan almost 25 years.

Q 日本人は長い期間学校で英語を学んでいても、実際に海外に行くと英語がわからず、ショックを受けることがあります。より実用的な英語を学ぶために、良い方法はありますか?

マンツーマンETC英会話 チャールズ先生(横浜)様々な英語の訛りを数多く聞くのが良いでしょう。日本人の方は一つの単語に対して、一つの発音の仕方しか知りません。でも、実際はいろいろな発音のされ方があるのです。簡単な単語「can」を例に挙げて説明しましょう。イングランドのいくつかの地域では、「カン」と発音します。でも、スコットランドでは「キン」と発音します。例えば「I can’t understand you.」が、「キネ・アンダスタンデュゥ」のように発音されます。ですから、英国に出張する際には、どの地域に行くのかによって、その地域に対応した訛りを教える必要があります。
It is good to listen to English in many different dialects. You can only say each word in one particular way, but it can be said in many different ways. Let’s use the simple word like “can”. In some parts of England, they will say [kan]. But if you hear “can” in Scotland, they will say [kin] like, “kine understand you”. (=I can’t understand you.) So if they are going to work in England, depends on where they are going to work, you have to teach cross regional dialect in English.

If you want to hear beautiful English, you should go to Inverness, which is famous for Loch Ness monster. In Inverness, they speak better English than England, and hardly any Scottish accent.

Q イギリスと日本は文化的にどのような違いがあるとお感じですか?

England and Japan also have all things in common. I mean, we are both island nations. We are both in past controlled a lot of countries within ethnicity. We both manage to maintain our individuality and independence. We are an indirect language, meaning Japanese have a hard time saying “No.” to anyone, and use it as the phrase that means “maybe”. But if you understand Japanese, you know that “maybe” usually means “no”.


マンツーマンETC英会話 チャールズ先生(横浜)一方、アメリカ英語は、韓国語と同じように直接的な表現の言語です。彼らは、日本人には失礼だと思えるような点まで物事を直接的に表現します。しかし、彼らは決して礼を欠いているわけではありません。彼らの言語を彼らの方法で使っているのです。
But American English is a direct language, like Korean is a direct language. They say things directly, almost to the point where Japanese think they have been rude. But they have not been rude. They are using their language in the way they use it.

アメリカ英語とイギリス英語には多くの違いがあります。イギリス英語のほうがずっと間接的です。例えばボクサーのカシアス・クレーのように「私が一番だ」などというイギリスはまずいないでしょう。当事彼は最も強いボクサーだったのでしょうけれど、もしイギリス人であれば、「I am not badder at boxing」(ボクシングが不得意ではない)というような言い方をするでしょう。たぶん本当は「私はかなりボクシングが上手い」ということを意味しています。
There is a lot of difference between American English and British English. British English is far more indirect. You wouldn’t find English person saying something like Cassius Clay, “I am the greatest.” Maybe he was at that time, but English would say, “I am not badder at boxing”, real meaning is maybe, “I am fairly good at boxing”.

Q マンツーマンのレッスンは生徒さん毎にカスタマイズされているのでしょうか?

It depends on why they want to study English, and what kind of business they are doing. If they want to study business English, then I teach business phraseology. If they are doing baking, then I will try to find the baking material and teach them baking English. If they are doing hotel work, I teach basic courtesy English and how to deal with their guests. If they are working for computer company, and selling electronic goods, then you will find language based on that kind of area. If they are studying just for touring, then you will teach them tourist English. But basic concept to teach English is the same. It is just giving them the language they need.

マンツーマンETC英会話 チャールズ先生(横浜)Q 先生の趣味を教えてください。

I enjoy reading. And I used to like reading books like, Conan Doyle、”Sherlock Holmes”, Charles Dickens、Thomas Hardy、play writes, like George Bernard Shaw who wrote “Pygmalion” et cetera. Poetry, poet I like Percy Bysshe Shelley. I like some modern poets like Allen Ginsberg and Lawrence Ferlinghetti.

I also have read lots of Japanese books, like Haruki Murakami, Yukio Mishima. I have read Seishonagon’s pillow book, and GENJI MONOGATARI, which I found that I think Genji is more like fantasy, but Seishonagon is more like real reality of her time. I understand that Seishonagon was a daughter of famous Waka poet. Her poetry is quite interesting too, because I think her age over 30 she wrote something “time has passed and age has come my way. But I need only look at this flower for all my cares to fade away”, which means these days even in Japan, age 30 is a peak of woman’s beauty. But in those days, I think 30-year-old woman was like old woman. Times change.

Q スコットランドの歴史を学ぶために、お奨めの映画はありますか?

There are some very old movies, which you might like this one called, “Whisky Galore”. It is story about small Scottish fishing community, a boatload of whisky sank off their shore, and they rooted all this whisky and hide it. And Inland Revenue wants to get tax on this whisky, but they pretended they don’t have it. So it is a strange story

マンツーマンETC英会話 チャールズ先生(横浜)他の映画ですと『ロブロイ』、メル・ギブソンがウォーレスを演じた『ブレイブハート』などからも、少し歴史が学べるでしょう。すべて歴史ドラマです。ただし、ある部分は事実に基づいていますが、ある部分は全くのフィクションだったりします。軽い内容の映画でしたら、かなり古いミュージカルですが、『ブリガドーン』がお奨めです。
Other movie like “Rob Roy”, Mel Gibson played as Wallace, “Braveheart” is so good one to learn a little bit. All movies are historical dramas. There is some truth there, but not total true. Light way movie is very old musical called “Brigadoon”.



◎Robert Burnsでスコットランド英語

Robert Burnsでスコットランド英語 – Caledonian bard とは
ビジネス英語とRobert Burns
Robert Burnsでスコットランド英語 – “To A Mouse”(朗読)
Robert Burnsでスコットランド英語 – “The Twa Dog”(朗読)
Robert Burnsでスコットランド英語 – “It There Fore Honest Poverty”(朗読)
Robert Burnsでスコットランド英語 – Burns’ Night とは
Robert Burnsでスコットランド英語 – “To A Haggis”(朗読)

◎BBCコメディ『The Thick Of It!』を観ながら

not before time”の意味は
“kind of”と”sort of”の意味は
“I was sucked in”の意味は
“come up with”の意味は
“you are on the ball”の意味は


食前の祈り セルカーク・グレース(The Selkirk Grace)
バーンズ・サパー ハギスのために(Address To A Haggis)

◎BBCのドキュメンタリー番組『Dylan Thomas From Grave to Cradle』を観ながら

“sound familiar”の意味は? – Dylan Thomas From Grave to Cradle
“no less an authoritive source”の意味は? – Dylan Thomas From Grave to Cradle
atheistの意味は? – Do not go gentle into that good night
hang out の意味は? Among Those Killed in the Dawn Raid Was a Man Aged a Hundred
impede の意味は – Dylan Thomas From Grave to Cradle
