興味あるテーマを見つけて英会話上達 パトリシア先生(浮間舟渡/蓮根(カフェ)) ETCマンツーマン英会話

マンツーマンETC英会話 パトリシア先生Q 先生は英語とフランスを話されるのですね

My father was British, and my mother was Belgium. That is why I speak the both languages. I was born in Mountsorrel, a little town in England. When I was 12 years old, my parents decided to move back in Belgium.

Q 日本には何年住んでいるのですか?

36 years now. My husband is Japanese.


Yes, French and English.

Q どうして語学の先生になろうと思ったのですか?

I had interest in foreign languages. In Belgium, you have a lot of foreigners living there, not like Japan. So most of my friends were living in Belgium, they are Belgian, because most of them were born there. But their background was Italian, Spanish, Polish, Turkish, Greek, whatever. So when I was going to their parents’ house, the parents were speaking their own native language. Sometimes they even couldn’t speak very good French.

And also in Brussels you take the tram, you hear everyday different foreign languages, like Protegees, Spanish and Italian. So it goes in your ear, sometime you couldn’t speak, but I was able to hear and understand. And when I was like 14 or 13, I thought, “why everybody doesn’t try to learn at least one foreign language? Then everybody will be able to communicate together.”


マンツーマンETC英会話 パトリシア先生そう思った理由には、既に三つの言語がベルギーの公用語になっていたこともあります。フランス語、オランダ語、そして、ドイツ語です。ベルギーの国土自体はとても小さいのですが、完璧に分断されています。南はフランス語圏、北はフラマン語圏(ベルギーで話されるオランダ語)。文化も考え方も食べ物も、すべてが異なっています。例えば、南部では茶色い髪の人が多いのですが、北部では、オランダ、デンマーク、スウェーデンなどのように金髪の人が多い。全く異なった文化圏なのです。
Because my country, Belgium, already has 3 national language: French, Dutch and German, a little part. And the country is very small, but it’s really cut into. South part, French and north part, what we called Flemish, is the Dutch part of Belgium. Culture, way of thinking, food, everything is different. In the south part, you have a lot of people with brown hair, but in the north part, you have a lot of people with blond hair, that is more like from Holland, Denmark, Sweden, or whatever. So it’s really 2 different culture.

Q 一度ベルギーに行ったことがあるのですが、食べ物が本当に美味しいですね。

Because we have a lot of foreigners in Belgium, they bring their own food, but it’s their real food. Every time when I go back to Belgium, there are three things I want to start eating, mussel, rabbit stew with vinegar prune and then after endive with roll in hum and white cheese sauce gratin. It’s delicious. And also one requested, that’s not Belgium, but I like Kuskus.

Q ドイツ人の友人が、ベルギーのビールが一番美味しいと言っていました。

This is true. I mean France has a reputation to have one cheese for each day of the year. Belgium has a reputation to have one beer for each day. But, be careful when you drink them, because the alcohol is very high. You have to drink that like wine very slowly. If you do like Japanese beer, after one or two, you will swamp on the floor. It is more like degustation beer. My favorite one is Kriek. It’s made with cheery and little radish. Taste is a little sour and bitter. So in summer, when it is very hot, you have Kriek.

Q 生徒さんの英語力をアップするために、アドバイスはありますか?

マンツーマンETC英会話 パトリシア先生生徒さんの英語力をアップさせるには、英語に対する興味をアップさせることが最も大切です。興味を持てば、質問するようになる、そして話すようになってきます。
If you want to have students improving their English, I think the most important thing is improving their interest in learning English. So if they are interested in something, then they will ask questions, then they will start talking.

Q リスニングの力をつけるにはどうしたらよいでしょう。

If people have a chance to have cable TV, like J:com, I would recommend to look all British programs, and to listen to the maximum as possible, the movies, documentaries, and things like that. Even if they don’t understand, there’s no matter. The words, little by little, will go in your ears.

That’s what I did, when I came to Japan for Japanese, I watched Japanese Television from morning to night. In the beginning, it was just like “what are they talking about?” I even couldn’t make separation for the words. And then after 2 or 3 months, I was able to start separating the words. Then I was starting writing phonetically on a piece of paper. When my husband was coming back home, I said, “What is that mean? What is that?”

Q 熱心にテレビをご覧になったのですね。何か夢中になってご覧になった番組があったのですか?

I love “Sazae-san” and I still once in a while look at it. I learn a lot of Japanese with Sazae-san, because Sazae-san was based on a regular Japanese family, they were speaking normal Japanese and using proper words, nice words, and easy words, but not academic words or difficult words, no slang, no bad words.

And also my favorite movie, I didn’t miss one, “男はつらいよ” Really I love the movie. It was a kind of comedy, but always talking about human relationship, and I learned at lot with that too.

(*) ご家庭の事情で現在カフェでのレッスンとなります。

