Tag Archives: チャールズ先生

BBCのドキュメンタリー番組『Dylan Thomas From Grave to Cradle』を観ながらETC英会話のチャールズ先生(横浜・大坂上)のレッスンを受けています。チャールズ先生は英国で読詩の会の会長を勤めた経験もあります。
ディラン・トマスは詩を朗読する際にある映画俳優の英語を真似ていました。チャールズ・ロートン(Charles Laughton)。さて、彼はどのような俳優だったのでしょうか。
And Thomas, when you hear him, doesn’t sound particularly Welsh.He cultivated him as kind of a classic English actor’s voice, when you hear him on recordings.
He wanted to describe himself as the poor man’s Charles Laughton.
さて、チャールズ・ロートン(Charles Laughton)とはどのような俳優なのでしょうか。

Charles Laughton
Charles Laughton’s most famous movie is maybe probably “The Hunchback of Notre Dame”.
So that is Charles Laughton.
He is a famous actor and you check out movies.
One of the original movies is “The Hunchback of Notre Dame”, one the movie he is appeared in.
He is appeared in a lot of what you called classic movies of the 30’s, 40’s and 50’s.

Charles Laughton
1899年7月1日 – 1962年12月15日)は、英国出身(ヨークシャー州スカーボロで生まれ)の舞台俳優、映画俳優、映画監督。1932年度のアカデミー主演男優賞を獲得した。(Wikipediaより)
The Hunchback of Notre Dame
邦題 『ノートルダムの傴僂男』1939年公開のアメリカ映画
check out
調べる, 確かめる.
appear in
ARVE Error: need id and provider
“Do not go gentle into that good night” Poem by DYLAN THOMAS
ARVE Error: need id and provider
◆使用楽曲 (BGM)
“Movie Star * (The Making Of X) by Loveshadow
◆ポッドキャストのダウンロードや購読は、iTunes – Podcast – 「RadioETC」からも可能です。
impede の意味は – Dylan Thomas From Grave to Cradle

impede の意味は – Dylan Thomas From Grave to Cradle
BBCのドキュメンタリー番組『Dylan Thomas From Grave to Cradle』を観ながらETC英会話のチャールズ先生(横浜・大坂上)のレッスンを受けています。
Thomas’ parents would have spoken Welsh at his home.
But his father did not want the boy grow up learning their language.
He felt that being Welsh speaking would have impeded boy’s progress, a commonly held the illusion at the time.

“Stunted”, “spoils his progress”.
So all of the Great Britain speaks English and the Wales have their own unique language.
The Scottish do too.
But they go to the original Celtic dialect.
But it is rarely spoken and few can speak it. OK.
But in Wales, many can speak Welsh, like “Nos da” means “good night”.
I only know a few Welsh words, so I can’t help you much there.
You were asking about dialect, some his family.
They were all Welsh ladies.
And I have seen in Yorkshire, some people speak with their mild Yorkshire accent, some speak with their heavy accent.
And in the between, only one you could clearly understand was his daughter, “I have never seen my father drunk”.
But his wife had very strong Welsh accent.
And it depends what part of Welsh they have lived in, and what influence Britain has had, or England has had on the local dialect.
But most Welsh have some knowledge of the language, I mean of their home language.
And if you go to Wales, and I recommend it to worth to trouble, you find that they have the English name for the station and Wales name for the station.
Nos da
〔ウェールズ語〕おやすみなさい (good night)
[BBC] The Big Welsh Challenge
『The Englishman Who Went Up a Hill But Came Down a Mountain』(ウェールズの山)
『Twin Town』(ツインタウン)
ウェールズ訛りの英語は、かなりお下品とのこと。撮影されたのはディラン・トマスの生まれ故郷であるスウォンジー(Swansea)。随所に町の風景が登場します。”Dylan Thomas called Swansea “an ugly, lovely town”.”と、町のギャングがディラン・トマスについて語るシーンも。ギャングはこの詩をもじってスウォンジーを何と表現するでしょうか。
『How Green Was My Valley』(わが谷は緑なりき)
『ウェールズ人のまっかなホント』(The Xenophobe’s Guide to the Welsh)
例えば、「知らない人ともすぐに打ち解け会話を始める。しかも”今日の天気”などという当たり障りのない話題ではなく、人生相談から」、「家族内で母親の権力が最も強く、息子は母親似の娘と結婚する」、「慢性的に苗字が不足していて、同じ名前の人が多数存在する」 すべて”ホント”とのことでしでした。
◆使用楽曲 (BGM)
“Movie Star * (The Making Of X) by Loveshadow
◆ポッドキャストのダウンロードや購読は、iTunes – Podcast – 「RadioETC」からも可能です。
hang out の意味は? Among Those Killed in the Dawn Raid Was a Man Aged a Hundred

hang out の意味は? Among Those Killed in the Dawn Raid Was a Man Aged a Hundred
BBCのドキュメンタリー番組『Dylan Thomas From Grave to Cradle』を観ながらETC英会話のチャールズ先生(横浜・大坂上)のレッスンを受けています。
第二次世界大戦中、ディラントーマスの仕事は映画の台本作家でした。その編集室で紙切れにたった10分で書いた詩 “Among Those Killed in the Dawn Raid Was a Man Aged a Hundred”が彼を一躍有名にすることになります。
It was the only job he could get.
He didn’t want to join the army, kill people.
He wrote documentaries about the home front.
And he wrote poems about the affected war like “Among Those Killed in the Dawn Raid Was a Man Aged a Hundred”.
He wrote that one on a scrap of paper in 10 minutes in cutting room.
It was with these poems, collected together in “Death and Entrances” in February 1946 that finally made his reputation.
These war poems were not just experiments with words.
They were about something.
And they went down very well literati, who hung out in the square miles behind me, between Regent street and a broadcasting house.
そして、「Among Those Killed in the Dawn Raid Was a Man Aged a Hundred」のような、戦争に関する詩を書きました。
さて、“hang out”とはどのような意味なのでしょうか。

Hang out means gathering somewhere often like a pub or a cafe.
So a group of people, so group of literal people used to hang up in the square mile in Regent street behind the broadcasting House.
So that would have been their favourable pub or cafe.
So somewhere you go regularly is the place where you hang out.
If you put it in the past tense is the place where you have hung out.
So you probably you have a favourable pub or IZAKAYA, where you go frequently and meet your friends.
That is the way you hang out to discuss those things or relax and enjoy yourself and come and view your company talking about the points interest you.
I used to hang out at the Yokohama tavern where I used to meet many boating friends.
hang out
When the morning was waking over the war
He put on his clothes and stepped out and he died,
The locks yawned loose and a blast blew them wide,
He dropped where he loved on the burst pavement stone
And the funeral grains of the slaughtered floor.
Tell his street on its back he stopped a sun
And the craters of his eyes grew springshots and fire
When all the keys shot from the locks, and rang.
Dig no more for the chains of his grey-haired heart.
The heavenly ambulance drawn by a wound
Assembling waits for the spade’s ring on the cage.
O keep his bones away from the common cart,
The morning is flying on the wings of his age
And a hundred storks perch on the sun’s right hand.
松田幸雄 訳
彼は衣服を着け 外に踏み出し 死んだ。
錠は大きく口を開けて外れ それらを爆風がばらばらに吹き飛ばした。
彼は自分が好きだったところ 舗道の石のうえに
殺戮の路面の葬送の土砂のうえに 倒れた。裏返しになった
傷に引かれた天国の救急車は 集まって
おお 彼の骨をありふれた車から離しておけ、
エッジ・オブ・ウォー - 戦火の愛 The Edge of Love
劇中、ディランが生活のために、ストランドフィルムでプロパガンダ用映画のスクリプトをいやいや書いている様子が描かれています。また、紙切れに走り書きされた『Among Those Killed in the Dawn Raid Was a Man Aged a Hundred』を、ベッドの上でキャトリンに読んで聞かせるシーンも。また、彼は既にチャールズ・ロートンを意識していたのか、ヴェラから「そのposhな(気取った)アクセントはどうしたの?」と指摘されてしまいます。
◆使用楽曲 (BGM)
“Movie Star * (The Making Of X) by Loveshadow
◆ポッドキャストのダウンロードや購読は、iTunes – Podcast – 「RadioETC」からも可能です。
atheistの意味は? – Do not go gentle into that good night

atheistの意味は? – Do not go gentle into that good night
BBCのドキュメンタリー番組『Dylan Thomas From Grave to Cradle』を観ながらETC英会話のチャールズ先生(横浜・大坂上)のレッスンを受けています。
Dylan Thomasの有名な詩の1つ、”Do not go gentle into that good night”。この詩について、番組『Dylan Thomas From Grave to Cradle』では次のように解説しています。
This simple, half christian, half pagan challenge to the power of death has universal appeal.
It is a villanelle.
A 19 line poem with only 2 lines and repeated chorus line.
Not easy thing to write it in English, but Dylan Thomas was precise as he was original about verse form.
It was written in 1951, for D.J, his father, who was dying, a retired, defeated school master.
But it is looked back over the poet shoulder, at once terrifying figure,
And an old fashion atheist you shake his fist at God and mess that he had made of the world.
“Do not go gentle in that good night”.
So he doesn’t believe in God.
And he doesn’t miss believe in God.
So he doesn’t believe in Buda.
And he doesn’t miss believe in Buda.
And he just doesn’t know if the entity existed, so shaking his fist at him, “why is the world in a such terrible way?”, “why are we in peace and love you and another.
shake one’s fist at ~

Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rage at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
And you, my father, there on the sad height,
Curse, bless me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light
翻訳 松田 幸雄より 青土社
◆使用楽曲 (BGM)
“Movie Star * (The Making Of X) by Loveshadow
◆ポッドキャストのダウンロードや購読は、iTunes – Podcast – 「RadioETC」からも可能です。
“no less an authoritive source”の意味は? – Dylan Thomas From Grave to Cradle

“no less an authoritive source”の意味は? – Dylan Thomas From Grave to Cradle
BBCのドキュメンタリー番組『Dylan Thomas From Grave to Cradle』を観ながらETC英会話のチャールズ先生(横浜・大坂上)のレッスンを受けています。チャールズ先生は英国で読詩の会の会長を勤めた経験ある方です。
英国ウェールズを代表する詩人Dylan Thomasの作品を通して、彼の人生についても触れてゆきます。
1953年11月3日の深夜、Dylan Thomasはニューヨークのバーで、18杯のストレートウィスキーを1人で飲み干し、そのことが原因で6日後に無くなったと信じられていました。
That is 18 English doubles rather than English singles.
He dies 6 days later of what one doctor described as this severe insult to his brain.
Does this story sound familiar to you?
I myself have read in no less an authoritive source than the rough guide to Britain.
さて、“no less an authoritive source”とはどのような意味なのでしょうか。

Yeah, so “no less an authoritative source” means one of the best resources you can go to.
If you would like to check something out accurately, you would probably check in Encyclopedia Britannica rather than wikipedia, which makes many mistakes.
They remove their mistakes eventually.
But quite often, you get misinformation on wikipedia, which takes their name from Encyclopadia anyway.
And Encyclopadia Britannica, you would say “no less a source than Encyclopadia Britannica, which means one of the best sources you can go to, one of the best sources.
So “no less” means “the best” or “one of the best”.
no less
◆使用楽曲 (BGM)
“Movie Star * (The Making Of X) by Loveshadow
◆ポッドキャストのダウンロードや購読は、iTunes – Podcast – 「RadioETC」からも可能です。
“sound familiar”の意味は? – Dylan Thomas From Grave to Cradle

“sound familiar”の意味は? – Dylan Thomas From Grave to Cradle
BBCのドキュメンタリー番組『Dylan Thomas From Grave to Cradle』を観ながらETC英会話のチャールズ先生(横浜・大坂上)のレッスンを受けています。チャールズ先生は英国で読詩の会の会長を勤めた経験ある方です。
英国ウェールズを代表する詩人Dylan Thomasの作品を通して、彼の人生についても触れてゆきます。
1953年11月3日の深夜、Dylan Thomasはニューヨークのバーで、18杯のストレートウィスキーを1人で飲み干し、そのことが原因で6日後に無くなったと信じられていました。
That is 18 English doubles rather than English singles.
He dies 6 days later of what one doctor described as this severe insult to his brain.
Does this story sound familiar to you?
I myself have read in no less an authoritive source than the rough guide to Britain.
さて、“sound familiar”とはどのような意味なのでしょうか。

“Sound familiar”,
“Have you heard this all before?”
So, “have you hear this kind of story before”.
“Doesn’t it sound familiar?”
“Isn’t it a commonplace story?”
Maybe it is commonplace.
It is obvious.
You have heard that kind of thing happening before.
Does it sound familiar to you?
The recent hacking to death of a British citizen by Nigerians in London.
Does this story familiar to you?
sound familiar
ありふれたこと[もの], 平凡なこと[もの], 決まり文句
◆使用楽曲 (BGM)
“Movie Star * (The Making Of X) by Loveshadow
◆ポッドキャストのダウンロードや購読は、iTunes – Podcast – 「RadioETC」からも可能です。
バーンズ・サパー ハギスのために(Address To A Haggis)

バーンズ・サパー ハギスのために(Address To A Haggis)
120316.mp3 (4分47秒)
ハギスはスコットランドの国民的郷土料理。すりつぶした羊の内臓と牛脂、みじん切りにした玉ねぎにオートミールを混ぜ込んだものを羊の胃袋に詰め込んで茹でたもの。バーンズ・サパーのメインディッシュです。バグパイプの演奏とともに入場しステージ中央のテーブルにおかれ、ロバート・バーンズの『ハギスのために(Address To A Haggis.)』の朗読とともに、ハギスが切られます。ナイフを入れたのはチャールズ先生。楽しいパフォーマンスに会場の笑いを誘っていました。
Burns Original
Fair fa’ your honest, sonsie face,
Great chieftain o’ the puddin-race!
Aboon them a’ ye tak your place,
Painch, tripe, or thairm:
Weel are ye wordy of a grace
As lang’s my arm.
The groaning trencher there ye fill,
Your hudies like a distant hill,
Your pin wad help to mend a mill
In time o’ need,
While thro’ your pores the dews distil
Like amber bead.
His knife see rustic Labour dight,
An’ cut ye up wi’ ready slight,
Trenching your gushing entrails bright,
Like onie ditch;
And then, O what a glorious sight,
Warm-reeking, rich!
Then horn for horn, they stretch an’ strive:
Deil tak the hindmost, on they drive,
Till a’ their weel-swall’d kytes belyve
Are bent like drums;
Then auld Guidman, maist like to rive,
‘Bethankit!’ hums.
Is there that owre his French ragout,
Or olio that wad staw a sow,
Or fricassee wad mak her spew
Wi perfect scunner,
Looks down wi’ sneering, scornfu’ view
On sic a dinner?
Poor devil! see him owre his trash,
As fecl;ess as a wither’d rash,
His spindle shank a guid whip-lash,
His nieve a nit;
Tho’ bluidy flood or field to dash,
O how unfit.
But mark the Rustic, haggis-fed,
The trembling earth resounds his tread,
Clap in his walie nieve a blade,
He’ll make it whistle;
An’ legs, an’ arms, an’ heads will sned
Like taps o’ thrissle.
Ye pow’rs, wha mak mankind your care,
And dish them out their bill o’ fare,
Auld Scotland wants nae skinking ware,
That jaups in luggies;
But if ye wish her gratfu’ prayer,
Gie her a Haggis!
Standard English Translation
Fair full your honest, jolly face,
Great chieftain of the sausage race!
Above them all you take your place,
Stomach, tripe, or intestines:
Well are you worthy of a grace
As long as my arm.
The groaning trencher there you fill,
Your buttocks like a distant hill,
Your pin would help to mend a mill
In time of need,
While through your pores the dews distill
Like amber bead.
His knife see rustic Labour wipe,
And cut you up with ready slight,
Trenching your gushing entrails bright,
Like any ditch;
And then, O what a glorious sight,
Warm steaming, rich!
Then spoon for spoon, the stretch and strive:
Devil take the hindmost, on they drive,
Till all their well swollen bellies by-and-by
Are bent like drums;
Then old Master of the house, most like to burst,
‘The grace!’ hums.
Is there that over his French ragout,
Or olio that would sicken a sow,
Or fricassee would make her throw-up
With perfect disgust,
Looks down with sneering, scornful view
On such a dinner?
Poor devil! see him over his trash,
As feeble as a withered rush,
His thin legs a good whip-lash,
His fist a nut;
Through bloody flood or field to dash,
O how unfit.
But mark the Rustic, haggis-fed,
The trembling earth resounds his tread,
Clap in his ample fist a blade,
He will make it whistle;
And legs, and arms, and heads will crop
Like tops of thistle.
You powers, who make mankind your care,
And dish them out their bill of fare,
Old Scotland want no watery ware,
That splashes in small wooden dishes;
But is you wish her grateful prayer,
Give her a Haggis!
見ろ! 田舎者労働者がナイフをぬぐい、
哀れなやつを見ろ! つまらぬものばかり食べているやつめ。
『ロバート・バーンズ詩集 』(ロバート・バーンズ研究会編訳/国文社)より
食前の祈り セルカーク・グレース(The Selkirk Grace)

食前の祈り セルカーク・グレース(The Selkirk Grace)
120312.mp3 (2分08秒)
バーンズ・サパーは、バーンズの作詞と言われている『セルカーク・グレース(The Selkirk Grace)』という、スコッツ語で書かれた食前の祈りから始まります。まずはお聞き下さい。
セルカーク・グレース(The Selkirk Grace)
Some hae meat and canna eat,
And some wad eat that want it,
But we hae meat and we can eat,
Sae let the Lord be thankit.
(Some have food and cannot eat,
And some would eat that lack it,
But we have food and we can eat,
So let God be thanked.)

120308.mp3 (2分29秒)
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to St. Andrews Society Yokohama and Tokyo 2012, Burns Supper. it is fine pleasure to be your MC tonight. And those all of you who don’t know me, I am Tall, I have a good Scottish name. My family name is Dunlop, which is from the town of Dunlop, East Ayrshire. My first name is Andrew.
So tonight is the night we celebrate all things Scottish. But of course, the life, the times, the poetry, and the adventures of poet, Robert Burns is always in focus. The Burns Supper is celebrated all around the world, where of Scots were settled and xxxxx to be found.
It is the night for us to enjoy good fun, good food, fine whiskey, excellent company, some jokes, some culture, and some dancing. So please enjoy.
Robert Burnsでスコットランド英語 – “To A Haggis”

Robert Burnsでスコットランド英語 – “To A Haggis” (3分28秒)
BBCのドキュメンタリ、Robert Burns – Poeple’s poet を見ながら、ETCマンツーマン英会話のチャールズ先生のレッスンを受けています。
ハギス(Haggis)とは、羊の内臓を羊の胃袋に詰めて茹でたスコットランドの伝統料理。バーンズナイトで、チャールズ先生が必ず朗読するというバーンズの作品”To a Hggis”(ハギスのために)。その冒頭部分をお聞きください。
“To A Haggis”
Fair fa’ your honest, sonsie face,
Great chieftain o’ the puddin-race!
Aboon them a’ ye tak your place,
Painch, tripe, or thairm:
Weel are ye wordy of a grace
As lang’s my arm.
The groaning trencher there ye fill,
Your hudies like a distant hill,
Your pin wad help to mend a mill
In time o’ need,
While thro’ your pores the dews distil
Like amber bead.
His knife see rustic Labour dight,
An’ cut ye up wi’ ready slight,
Trenching your gushing entrails bright,
Like onie ditch;
And then, O what a glorious sight,
Warm-reeking, rich!
(Standard English Translation)
Fair full your honest, jolly face,
Great chieftain of the sausage race!
Above them all you take your place,
Stomach, tripe, or intestines:
Well are you worthy of a grace
As long as my arm.
The groaning trencher there you fill,
Your buttocks like a distant hill,
Your pin would help to mend a mill
In time of need,
While through your pores the dews distill
Like amber bead.
His knife see rustic Labour wipe,
And cut you up with ready slight,
Trenching your gushing entrails bright,
Like any ditch;
And then, O what a glorious sight,
Warm steaming, rich!
◆使用楽曲 (BGM)
“Toxic Rainfall” of some1else from ccMixter
「ハギス」 を食す。。。
Robert Burnsでスコットランド英語 – Burns’ Night とは

Robert Burnsでスコットランド英語 – Burns’ Night とは
BBCのドキュメンタリ、Robert Burns – Poeple’s poet を見ながら、ETCマンツーマン英会話のチャールズ先生のレッスンを受けています。
The Burns night usually takes place at the end of January or February.
Normally it takes place on the traditional date of Burns’ death around about that time.
So the Burns night is to celebrate the life and time of Robert Burns, his poetry and things.
It’s quite enjoyable night actually.
And they do read Robert Burns’ poem, they do address to the haggis.
Definitely if you go to the St. Andrews society, I will be barring Haggis.
And a friend of mine will read the poem, and maybe I will slash the Haggis open.
And then also do whiskey barrel so then person for each table.
You will enjoy of drum of whiskey.
◆使用楽曲 (BGM)
“Toxic Rainfall” of some1else from ccMixter
The Society Burns Night 2011。
Robert Burnsでスコットランド英語 – “It There Fore Honest Poverty”

Robert Burnsでスコットランド英語 – “It There Fore Honest Poverty”
111115.mp3 (2分16秒)
BBCのドキュメンタリ、Robert Burns – Poeple’s poet を見ながら、ETCマンツーマン英会話のチャールズ先生のレッスンを受けています。
バーンズが貧困について歌った作品。 For a’ That and a’ That の一部を朗読していただきました。
(The Twa dogs)
Is there for honest Poverty
That hings his head, an’ a’ that;
The coward slave-we pass him by,
We dare be poor for a’ that!
For a’ that, an’ a’ that.
Our toils obscure an’ a’ that,
The rank is but the guinea’s stamp,
The Man’s the gowd for a’ that.
貧困に 首うなだるる わけありや
人に知られず 骨折るとても
(日本語訳 中村為冶/『バーンズ詩集』岩波文庫)
◆使用楽曲 (BGM)
“Toxic Rainfall” of some1else from ccMixter
Robert Burnsでスコットランド英語 – “The Twa Dog”

Robert Burnsでスコットランド英語 – “The Twa Dog”
111112.mp3 (1分46秒)
BBCのドキュメンタリ、Robert Burns – Poeple’s poet を見ながら、ETCマンツーマン英会話のチャールズ先生のレッスンを受けています。
1786年、バーンズが27歳の時に、彼の最初の詩集、”Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect”(詩集ー主としてスコットランド方言による)が出版されます。The Twa Dog (二匹の犬)は、その詩集の最初に収められていました。
(The Twa dogs)
‘Twas in that place o’ Scotland’s isle,
That bears the name o’ auld King Coil,
Upon a bonnie day in June,
When wearin’ thro’ the afternoon,
Twa dogs, that were na thrang at hame,
Forgather’d ance upon a time.
(Standard English Translation)
It was in that place of Scotland’s isle,
That bears the name of old King Coil,
Upon a Lovely day in June,
When wearing through the afternoon,
Two dogs, that were not busy at home,
Chance-met once upon a time.
(和訳 中村為治/『バーンズ詩集』岩波文庫)
◆使用楽曲 (BGM)
“Toxic Rainfall” of some1else from ccMixter
Robert Burnsでスコットランド英語 – “To A Mouse”

Robert Burnsでスコットランド英語 – “To A Mouse”
111109.mp3 (3分08秒)
BBCのドキュメンタリ、Robert Burns – Poeple’s poet を見ながら、ETCマンツーマン英会話のチャールズ先生のレッスンを受けています。
バーンズが農場で野良仕事をして際に、たまたま鋤でネズミの巣を掘り起こしたことがありました。農場の使用人は、壊された巣から飛び出してきたネズミを追い掛け回していましたが、それを見ていたバーンズは、男にやめるように言い、しばらくネズミの姿をじっと見ていたそうです。夜になってバーンズは一遍の詩をその男に示しました。「to a mouse」(ネズミによせて)という作品です。
(To Mouse)
Wee, sleekit, cowrin, tim’rous beastie,
O, what a panic’s in thy breastie!
Thou need na start awa sae hasty
Wi bickering brattle!
I wad be laith to rin an’ chase thee,
Wi’ murdering pattle.
I’m truly sorry man’s dominion
Has broken Nature’s social union,
An’ justifies that ill opinion
Which makes thee startle
At me, thy poor, earth born companion
An’ fellow mortal!
(Standard English Translation)
Small, sleek, cowering, timorous beast,
O, what a panic is in your breast!
You need not start away so hasty
With hurrying scamper!
I would be loath to run and chase you,
With murdering plough-staff.
I’m truly sorry man’s dominion
Has broken Nature’s social union,
And justifies that ill opinion
Which makes thee startle
At me, thy poor, earth born companion
And fellow mortal!
(訳 中村為治/『バーンズ詩集』岩波文庫)
◆使用楽曲 (BGM)
“Toxic Rainfall” of some1else from ccMixter

111106.mp3 (1分45秒)
BBCのドキュメンタリ、Robert Burns – Poeple’s poet を見ながら、ETCマンツーマン英会話のチャールズ先生のレッスンを受けています。
I think the dictation is required you to listen very carefully.
And every if you listen carefully, you don’t always catch everything.
And sometimes he hear very badly and feel shame, but you shouldn’t, because you heard very well.
But it’s good way, because then you develop greater understanding of the language.
Because when you are doing dictation, you are not doing literal English.
Because people don’t always speak literally.
How you speak, I suspect the same in Japanese is not the way you would write it.
So the dictation is good way.
But you need a lot of effort
Most of people don’t have time for it, I think.
But you are going to be a journalist, something like that, or you are going to be a writer, then it’s the most effective way.
◆使用楽曲 (BGM)
“Toxic Rainfall” of some1else from ccMixter
The Society Burns Night 2011。

111103.mp3 (1分26秒)
BBCのドキュメンタリ、Robert Burns – Poeple’s poet を見ながら、ETCマンツーマン英会話のチャールズ先生のレッスンを受けています。
Well in the case of Scottish ladies who are dancing in Mauchline, they had a very strong guttural sound.
Q: Could you explain what is
I can only say well
“You cannot take it then….”
“You cannot keep teenagers at bay”
So they are strong gattolow, where was when Andre O’Hagan, he says
“who are you?”
It’s much softer and more gentle, but still dialect there.
◆使用楽曲 (BGM)
“Toxic Rainfall” of some1else from ccMixter

111030.mp3 (2分32秒)
BBCのドキュメンタリ、Robert Burns – Poeple’s poet を見ながら、ETCマンツーマン英会話のチャールズ先生のレッスンを受けています。
If they know they are going to do business in a particular part of English town or in Scotland, it is important they get used to hearing the local dialects, so that they have better comprehension about the people saying.
Under the normal circumstances, you don’t need to go too deeply into dialect of English.
But if you know to be in a certain part of the country, you know that English is a little bit different to everywhere els.
So then it is important to study English in the dialect of the part of the country.
If you go to Yorkshire then, they drag vowel a little bit more.
And if you go to the County Durham, it is not the same as Scottish dialect, but it’s similar.
“You cannot understand always what they are saying, but always speaking that kind of, a sort of…”
It’s a bit more musical than Scottish dialect, and it’s much softer.
You have to be there to understand it.
If you go the County Durham, somewhere like that.
If you pay to study Geordie English.
Q; Geordie English?
Geordie comes from Tyneside. Newcastle.
So they live on Tyneside. So they call Geordie.
Then I come from West Hartlepool, which is the other side of the river.
So I am a Tynesider.
So that is the merit of learning English.
◆使用楽曲 (BGM)
“Toxic Rainfall” of some1else from ccMixter
ビジネス英語とRobert Burns

111027.mp3 (2分32秒)
BBCのドキュメンタリ、Robert Burns – Poeple’s poet を見ながら、ETCマンツーマン英会話のチャールズ先生のレッスンを受けています。
◆使用楽曲 (BGM)
“Toxic Rainfall” of some1else from ccMixter
Robert Burnsでスコットランド英語 – Caledonian bard とは

Robert Burnsでスコットランド英語 – Caledonian bard とは
111024.mp3 (3分13秒)
BBCのドキュメンタリ、Robert Burns – Poeple’s poet を見ながら、ETCマンツーマン英会話のチャールズ先生のレッスンを受けています。
Caledonian bard means, like, Caledonian means Scottish.
Caledonia was another name of Scotland.
So it means Scotland as a whole.
So it means traditionally Scottish.
He want to be the Scottish bard.
And he is the Scottish bard.
He is the No.1 poet of Scotland and for many people, No.1 poet for the world.
But his rhyme line is very simplicity.
So many people can read his poem and enjoy his poem, because it’s simple rhyming meter.
But when you read other great poets, their meter is much more complex.
And it’s more difficult to read it.
It meant to be read.
But Robert Burns is actually very easy to read, because it flows naturally.
Q What does bard mean?
Bard means a poet.
When you talk about poets, you call them bards.
Like William Shakespeare is another famous bard.
One of poetic words.
◆使用楽曲 (BGM)
“Toxic Rainfall” of some1else from ccMixter
“you are on the ball”の意味は

BBCのコメディー、『The Thick Of It』を観ながらETC英会話のチャールズ先生のレッスンを受けています。
英国政府報道・戦略局長Malcolm Tuckerは、新聞の力をつかって、Hugh Abbot大臣の評価を上げようと考えます。“me and my media”という新聞の特集記事に、大臣を取り上げるよう手配をしました。その記事通して、大臣の人物像をこんな風に伝えたいと説明しています。
Malcolm Tucker: I’m fixing you up with a “me and my media” piece with your ex Angela Heaney. But it is a perfect opportunity to show just how clued up you are, actually.
Hughy Abbot, the in-touch guy. You’re on the ball, you know the price of a pint of milk, you live HBO imports, VH1, Pixar, you dig the streets…
Hugh Abbot:Yeah, no, they’re all great.
It means you are doing a right thing, or you are handling everything well. So for someone who is successful, you can say, “you are on the ball.”
– Maybe because standing on a ball is very difficult to keep the balance, or?
Yeah, maybe, yeah, that’s sort of.
On the ball means, you are well balanced. You are in control. Well balanced, in control, that’s good concept.
◆使用楽曲 (BGM)
“Toxic Rainfall” of some1else from ccMixter

BBCのコメディー、『The Thick Of It』を観ながらETC英会話のチャールズ先生のレッスンを受けています。
The Department of Social Affairsは、このドラマに登場する架空の政府部門。社会問題省と、なんとも漠然とした名前の省庁ですが、オーリーがの、その役割、存在価値について説明しようとしいてます。
— What does belt-and-braces mean?
Get down to hard work, like you take your jacket off, you are just seeing belt-and braces, if you are a road worker, then you get to belt-and-braces, it just means get down to hard work.
— And what does coalface politics mean?
Hard factual truthful politics, means to the point, If you had a coalface, you’ve got to do everything properly, if you don’t, you are going to have a bad accident. So coalface politics means it is just reemphasizing belt-and-braces in some ways.
◆使用楽曲 (BGM)
“Toxic Rainfall” of some1else from ccMixter

BBCのコメディー、『The Thick Of It』を観ながらETC英会話のチャールズ先生のレッスンを受けています。
the Department of Social Affairsは、このドラマに登場する架空の政府部門。社会問題省と、なんとも漠然とした名前の省庁ですが、オーリーがの、その役割、存在価値について説明しようとしいてます。
Olly Reeder: No, wait. We say the Department of Social Affairs has been doing amazing work, bread-and-butter work, belt-and-braces work, the kind of work you people aren’t interested in cos it’s not shiny, shiny, media-friendly stuff. You are so obsessed with the media, You sickos
Hugh Abbot: Sickos.
Olly Reeder: that every time we try and … just carry on with our day. You don’t show up, so we have to call a big thing like this.
Hugh Abbot: On target, under budget…
Olly Reeder: Coalface politics.
Hugh Abbot: Yes, absolutely, I like that.Not wasting resources.Good, let’s do that.
Bread-and-butter means weekly or monthly salary or the source of the companies income, What company makes is their bread-and-butter, it’s what brings in the money. So what you do is your bread-and-butter that makes your salary. It can also mean what they actually do to make money, which is just reemphasizing what I’ve already said. What a company makes is their bread-and-butter. That is what it makes their company profits and everything.
— So can I say, “writing is my bread-and-butter.”
That’s right, “writing is your bread-and-butter.”
◆使用楽曲 (BGM)
“Toxic Rainfall” of some1else from ccMixter
“come up with”の意味は

BBCのコメディー、『The Thick Of It』を観ながらETC英会話のチャールズ先生のレッスンを受けています。
Glenn Cullen: What we need is something that the public want, is incredibly popular and is free.
Olly Reeder: Return of capital punishment.
Hugh Abbot: That’s a joke, right? You are joking, yes? Obviously. Come on, Olly, come up with something.
Here it means make an original thought or give an original idea, “please say something original that will appeal to the voting public. Please make, come up with new idea that will appeal to the voting public.
Don’t you think it is time that they came up with an original idea.
We can always come up with a new plan. That doesn’t mean it will work.
◆使用楽曲 (BGM)
“Toxic Rainfall” of some1else from ccMixter

BBCのコメディー、『The Thick Of It』を観ながらETC英会話のチャールズ先生のレッスンを受けています。
Olly Reeder: As far as the department and the Government are concerned, there is no Snooper Force.
Angela Heaney: What’s going on?Has the treasury gone ballistic?
Olly Reeder: No, no..
Angela Heaney: Why this flip-flop?
Olly Reeder: No, there’s no fiip-flop. Nothing like that! No,erm, this isn’t a…change in policy in any ..in any respect.
Flip-flop means being indecisive, always changing one’s mind or never coming out with a clear decision. Governments nearly always flip flop. When one part says one thing, and another party says the another thing. And then they are pretending to argue about it for a long time.
So they flip flop.
— The government is flip-flop.
Flip-flopping. Yeah, you know I mean like you do the fan, it flip-flops. It shakes both way. That’s flip-flopping. They go one way, then the other. But they are very indecisive.
You watch it In sentences.
The PM is always flip-flopping. He never makes a clear statement.
I wish TEPCO would not flip-flop with their statements and make a clear answer to the problem into the public.
I know it’s good to use something that is relevant.
◆使用楽曲 (BGM)
“Toxic Rainfall” of some1else from ccMixter
“I was sucked in”の意味は

BBCのコメディー、『The Thick Of It』を観ながらETC英会話のチャールズ先生のレッスンを受けています。
大臣のHugh Abbotは、首相の言葉を思い違いしてしまったことに気が付きこう言います。
I was sucked in!
さて、I was sucked inとはどのような意味でしょうか。
“I was sucked in” means I was misled or I was forced to join in under the concept of peer pressure. Peer pressure is if a boss tell you to do something, even though you disagree and you think it’s bad thing, it’s kind of difficult to say no.
So you’ve got two ways of it. I was misled. Misled doesn’t mean cheated, but I was misled or I was forced to do it under peer pressure.
I was sucked in. It’s just sort of you were misled, I was cheated, I was totally misled meaning someone actually lie to you to get in to. I was totally misled. So cheated means I was deceived. To be sucked in, maybe you were misled, but you were not deceived. You had an idea of what was happening, but it wasn’t the conclusion you wanted.
◆使用楽曲 (BGM)
“Toxic Rainfall” of some1else from ccMixter
“kind of”と”sort of”の意味は

BBCのコメディー、『The Thick Of It』を観ながらETC英会話のチャールズ先生のレッスンを受けています。
大臣のHugh Abbotと英国政府報道・戦略局長のMalcolm Tuckerの会話です。首相が実際には何と大臣に発言したのか、マルコムが問いただしているシーンです。
Malcolm Tucker: What did the Prime Minister actually say to you?
Hugh Abbot: He actually said this is exactly the kind of thing we should be doing.
Malcolm Tucker: What did he actually say?
Hugh Abbot: He said this is exactly the sort of thing we should be doing.
Malcolm Tucker: ‘SHOULD’ be doing. ‘Should’ does not mean ‘yes’.
“Kind of” and “sort of” are perfect synonyms. it will depend on the level of intonation to make clear any difference. These are not clear statements. The meaning can be less than 75% certain. It sounds indivisible or it is not clear comment.
And it says “kind of” and “sort of”… It’s not 100% comment. So it’s not clear comment, so therefore if person take it as meanings are 100%, he may be out of bounds.
Mr.Kan is kind of on track with the current situation in Japan, but the people are struggling to get along with him. Good medicine often taste bad.
◆使用楽曲 (BGM)
“Toxic Rainfall” of some1else from ccMixter
“not before time”の意味は

BBCのコメディー、『The Thick Of It』を観ながらETC英会話のチャールズ先生のレッスンを受けています。
it’s not before time that they are studying the safety of nuclear power stations.
It’s about time this happened or this should have happened sooner. It’s just like there is an essential law that the government needs to pass and it often happen for Japanese government. And they argue and argue, and lead the people suffer where they passed this law, that’s going to benefit us. But each politician has own his axe to grind, so things take time. So sometimes when good laws are passed, we say, “it’s not before time”.
Another example, if you complete it at the beginning,“it is not before time that Tepco cleaned up Fukushima power station.” There are a lot of people who don’t like Mr.Kan,”Mr.Kan can not go before time”. I have nothing against him. I just used it as sentences in an example.
◆使用楽曲 (BGM)
“Toxic Rainfall” of some1else from ccMixter
スコットランド英語が学べるコメディ映画――Whisky Galore!

スコットランド英語が学べるコメディ映画――Whisky Galore!
There are some very old movies, “Whisky Galore”. It is a story about small Scottish fishing community, and a boatload of whisky sank off their shore, and they rooted all this whisky and hide it. And Inland Revenue wants to get tax on this whisky, but they pretended they don’t have it. So it is a strange story, but…
Otherwise other movie like “Rob Roy”, Mel Gibson played as William Wallace, “Braveheart” is so good one to learn a little bit. I mean it is not entirely true, I mean some parts are exaggerated, something never happened. All movies are historical dramas. There is some truth there, but not total true.
◆Whisky Galore! Trailer

I have read SEISHONAGON’s pillow book. but Seishonagon is more like real reality of her time. I understand that Seishonagon was a daughter of famous Waka poet. Her poetry is quite interesting too, but I think her age over 30 she wrote something “time has passed and age has come my way. But only I need look at this flower for all my cares to fade away”, which means these days even in Japan, age 30 is a peak of woman’s beauty. She is beauty that’s beautiful. But in those days, I think 30-year-old woman was like old woman, so like OBASAN. Times change.
■出演 ・マンツーマンETC英会話 チャールズ先生
■聞き手 ・福本哲也(ETC英会話 代表) ・青樹洋文
◆使用楽曲 (BGM)
“Toxic Rainfall” of some1else from ccMixter

It is good to listen to English in many different dialects. Some high schools I taught at for that, you can only say each word in one particular way, but it can be said in many different ways, is to be understood. Let’s use the simple word like “can”. Maybe in some parts of England, they will say “KAN”. But if you hear “can” in Scotland, they will say [KIN]. Kine understand you = I can not understand you. And then if you have Yorkshire accent, “I don’t know what you are talking about.”So you can hear “I can’t understand what you’re saying.” So it’s many different ways. It’s saying the same thing. But it depends on where… if they are going to work in England, where are they going to work? Then you have to teach cross regional dialect English.
■出演 ・マンツーマンETC英会話 チャールズ先生
■聞き手 ・福本哲也(ETC英会話 代表) ・青樹洋文
◆使用楽曲 (BGM)
“Toxic Rainfall” of some1else from ccMixter