Tag Archives: Mitchell
Samson with his hair の意味は?
– All right, I ain’t talking, I’m hitting.
– Impressive.
– It must be the patch.
– It’s like Samson with his hair.
– He came alive.
– Well, he sure did.
このSamson with his hairとはどのような意味なのでしょうか。
It’s from the bible and has to do with Samson and Delilah, which is in the bible character, Samson strength came from his hair.
His long hair gave him an unnatural strength.
And it was able to defeat many soldiers and army by himself and a jawbone of an ass.
And he was able to defeat them.
And but Delilah, a bad woman was able to cut his hair.
And his strength went away.
So in this case, the patch that are wearing on their uniforms or the mark on the baseball bat is giving it power.
So that is why the hitting or playing better.
impressive: 深い感銘を与える
character: (小説などの)人物,(劇の)役.
jawbone: 下顎骨
defeat: 打ち負かす
go away: 消えうせる
◆使用楽曲 (BGM)
Ton – Sunny Eyes
◆ポッドキャストのダウンロードや購読は、iTunes – Podcast – 「RadioETC」からも可能です。
swell の意味は?
Hi, Al.
Al Fowler
Hi, Iris. How was your weekend?
Iris Gaines
Al Fowler
What can I get you?
Iris Gaines
One of those, cup of coffee.
Al Fowler
Help yourself.
Swell is an old fashion word for good.
That’s swell idea to go to the store and get that tools.
Q: But it still sound old fashion.
Yes, It sounds, swell sometimes you hear it today kind of making fun of, because it is old fashion.
So it is not common.
You will hear it lot of in the older movies a lot.
old fashion: 形容詞(旧式な、時代遅れの)
◆使用楽曲 (BGM)
Ton – Sunny Eyes
◆ポッドキャストのダウンロードや購読は、iTunes – Podcast – 「RadioETC」からも可能です。
You got me の意味は?
Number 11. That’s a bad-luck number. I won’t go into that.
Roy Hobbs
What about 9?
Doc Dizzy
Well, you got me. 9 it is.
さて、you got meとはどのような意味なのでしょうか。
When somebody doesn’t want to do something or somebody is your debating, and when you say well you got me, it means either you’ve won, or you’ve got me to commit to doing something. OK?
So but it means person feel fair on the other side.
So somebody says, example if I ask my wife, “do you wanna take out the garbage?”
And she says, “no, I don’t want to take out the garbage.”
And I say, “well, if you want me to wash the dog, then you can take out the garbage.”
And she says, “OK, you got me. I’ll take out the garbage”.
debating: 討論, 論議
garbage: 《主に米国で用いられる》 (台所から出る食物の)生ごみ,残飯; ごみ,がらくた
◆使用楽曲 (BGM)
Ton – Sunny Eyes
◆ポッドキャストのダウンロードや購読は、iTunes – Podcast – 「RadioETC」からも可能です。
Would you come watch me play sometime?
Harriet Bird
Roy, you are priceless.
Roy Hobbs
Will you?
Harriet Bird
Of course.
このyou are pricelessとはどのような意味なのでしょうか。
In this case, priceless means you are special.
That’s right.
Something special or cost lots of money or some people like art would say priceless.
In this case though it means that you are interesting and special.
When someone makes a joke, somebody would say that is a priceless joke.
You are priceless.
That is really funny.
2《口語》 とてもおもしろい; すごくばかげた.
◆使用楽曲 (BGM)
Ton – Sunny Eyes
◆ポッドキャストのダウンロードや購読は、iTunes – Podcast – 「RadioETC」からも可能です。
keep your shirt on の意味は?
Batter up.
Sam Simpson
Keep your shirt on.
“Keep your shirt on”を直訳すると、「シャツを着ていろ」、「シャツを脱ぐな」ですが、この場面ではどのような意味で使われているのでしょうか?
In this case, priceless means you are special.
That’s right.
Something special or cost lots of money or some people like art would say priceless.
In this case though it means that you are interesting and special.
When someone makes a joke, somebody would say that is a priceless joke.
You are priceless.
That is really funny.
impatient: (事に)がまんできない,耐えられない
patient: しんぼう[忍耐]強い
along the line: 途中のどこかで
hold your horses: はやる心を抑えろ, 落ち着け.
◆使用楽曲 (BGM)
Ton – Sunny Eyes
◆ポッドキャストのダウンロードや購読は、iTunes – Podcast – 「RadioETC」からも可能です。
He is a natural の意味は?
映画のタイトルである『Natural』は、どのような意味なのでしょうか。主役のロイ・ハブスがすばらしいボールコントロールを披露する姿を見て、彼のエージェントが興奮しながら“he is a natural”、と褒め称えるシーンがあります。
He’s a natural.
Give me that green doll.
OK, so in this case, “he is a natural” means he is extremely skilled naturally, his genetics or his ability were given to him by his genes or by God.
And so that he has not had to train as hard, because he has those skills already or he has skills naturally.
And therefore some people would wish have that.
For example, a short basket player has not been given advantages, has somebody who is tall, who is naturally tall is in the advantage.
And there are so many parts of body that are the same.
Not natural, he is not gifted. He is not gifted. He has to work harder to succeed.
Tiger Woods is a natural driver hitter.
He is very good with a driver
natural: 生まれつきの名人
extremely: [強意的に用いて] 《口語》 とても,すこぶる (very).
skilled: 熟練した,腕のいい
genetics: 遺伝的性質[特徴,体質]
gene: 遺伝子
◆使用楽曲 (BGM)
Ton – Sunny Eyes
◆ポッドキャストのダウンロードや購読は、iTunes – Podcast – 「RadioETC」からも可能です。
But there are others, other, I think a lot better jokes would be, Abbot and Costello has a joke.
That is much better.
It’s a baseball routine, you could, about baseball, about different players on the bases.
And the names are strange names.
For example, “Who’s on the first”, “What is the second”, “Why,,,” and so forth.
And so they have a conversation that continuously go on, because one of them doesn’t understand that the name of the first basement is “Who”.
And not, the answer keep saying “Yes, I want to know who. Who is it?”, so goes on very very long time.
It is very very old, very old and famous routine, comedy routine.
So it is funny to watch.
routine: (演芸で)型にはまった[お決まりの]所作[演技]. ネタ
Abbot と Costelloの野球ネタ『Who’s on the first』の動画はこちらで。トランスクリプトつき。
◆使用楽曲 (BGM)
Ton – Sunny Eyes
◆ポッドキャストのダウンロードや購読は、iTunes – Podcast – 「RadioETC」からも可能です。
Pete and Repeatって何?
– I’m pleased to meet you.
– And this here’s the Whammer.
– How do you do? You look different in street clothes.
– First Pete and now “Repeat.”
ワマーの台詞、First Pete and now “Repeat.は、「Pete and Repeat」というなぞなぞを引用しているようです。
Pete and Repeat were in a boat. Pete fell out, who was left?
syndicated: 新聞雑誌連盟の
street clothes: (衣装やスポーツウェアや仕事着などに対するものとして)人前に出るのに適した日常着
◆使用楽曲 (BGM)
Ton – Sunny Eyes
◆ポッドキャストのダウンロードや購読は、iTunes – Podcast – 「RadioETC」からも可能です。