
images アメリカのお笑いは、一人で行うスタンドアップコメディが主流。でも、それは最近のことで、もともとはボードビルスタイル(vaudeville style)と呼ばれ、日本の漫才と同じようにボケ(a funny man/a silly man)とツッコミ(a straight man)の二人で行うものでした。劇場で活動していたこれらのお笑い芸人は、やがて映画に登場するようになり、さらにテレビがお笑いのスタイルを変えて行くことになるそうです。



 Abbott and Costello(アボットとコステロ)の『Who’s on First?』というお笑いネタ。Abbottが監督を務める野球チームの選手に、ちょっと奇妙なニックネームをつけてしまったために、コステロが理解できずにいらいらし始めます。一塁手はWho、二塁手はWhat、三塁手はI Don’t Know、ピッチャーはTomorrow、キャッチャーはToday、そしてレフトはWhy。


A: We’re organizing a baseball team here at the retired actors home and I am the manager. Now…

C: You’re going to be the manager of the retired actors baseball team?

A: Yes.

C: I would like to join the retired actors baseball team.

A: Oh, you would?

C: And I would like to know some of the guys names on the team so if I wanna play with ‘em I know ‘em, and I meet ‘em on the street or in the home here I can say hello to them.

A: Oh sure, but you know baseball players these days have a lot of peculiar names.

C: I know, a lot of funny names.

A: You know, like Sticky Fields.

C: Sticky Fields.

A: Goofy Dan.

C: Booby Bobber

A: Booby Bobber.

C: I know all those names.

A: Well let’s see now, we have on our team, we have who’s on first, what’s on second, I don’t know is on third-

C: That’s what I want to find out, the guys names.

A: Huh?

C: That’s what I want to find out, the guys names.

A: I’m telling you, who’s on first, what’s on second, I don’t know’s on third.

C: Now Abbot, you gonna be the manager of the baseball team?

A: Yes.

C: You know the guys names?

A: Well, I should.

C: Well then you tell me the guys names on the baseball team.

A: I say, who’s on first, what’s on second, I don’t know’s on third.

C: You ain’t said nothing to me yet, go ahead and tell me.

A: I’m telling ‘em, look-

C: You ain’t said nothing to me yet, go ahead and tell me.

A: Who’s on first, what’s on second, I don’t know is on third. How-

C: You know the guys names on the baseball team?

A: Yes.

C: Well, go ahead. Who’s on first?

A: Yes.

C: I mean the guys name.

A: Who.

C: The guy playing first.

A: Who.

C: The guy playing first base.

A: Who.

C: The guy on first base!

A: Who is on first.

C: What are you asking me for? I don’t know!

A: Wait a minute, I’m not talking-

C: I’m asking you, who’s on first?

A: That’s his name.

C: Well go ahead and tell me.

A: Who.

C: The guy on first.

A: That’s it. (pause) That’s his name.

C: Well you ain’t said nothing, I ain’t asked you nothing!

A: You did.

C: You know the guys name on first base?

A: Sure.

C: Then tell me the guys name of first base.

A: Who.

C: The guy playing first base!

A: Who is on first, Lou.

C: What are you asking me for?!

A: Now don’t get excited, I’m saying who-

C: I’m asking you a simple question. Who’s on first?

A: Yes.

C: Well go ahead and tell me.

A: That’s it.

C: That’s who?

A: Yeah.

C: I’m asking you what’s the guys name of first base?

A: Oh no! What’s on second.

C: I’m not asking you who’s on second.

A: Who’s on first.

C: One base at a time!

A: Don’t mix up my players.

C: I’m not mixing up anybody! Now what’s the guys name on first base?

A: No, what’s on second.

C: I’m not asking you who’s on second.

A: Who’s on first.

C: I don’t know.

A: He’s on third, we’re not talking about him.

C: Wait a minute! Whoa!

A: Now, well let’s not get…

C: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! How could I, how could I get on third base?

A: You mentioned his name.

C: I mentioned his name?

A: Yes.

C: I don’t know anybody on the team! I asked…how could I mention the guys name?


A: You did. You just mentioned it.

C: Alright. What’s the guys name on third base?

A: No, what’s on second.

C: Who’s on second?

A: Who’s on first.

C: I don’t know.

A: He’s on third.

C: (&^#$)!*(&$…I didn’t even mention the guys name on third!!!

A: Yes, you did, Lou.

C: Alright then, who’s playing third base?

A: No, who’s on first.

C: I’m not asking you what’s on first.

A: What’s on second.

C: Who’s on second?

A: Who’s on first.

C: I don’t know.

B: He’s third base, third base, third base

C: I don’t know anybody on the baseball team!

A: You do, you mention their names.

C: I do?

A: Sure.

C: You got an outfield?

A: Well…Naturally.

C: The left fielders name.

A: Why. (pause) That’s his name.

C: I just thought I’d ask ya, I just thought I’d ask ya.

A: Well, I just thought I’d tell ya.

C: Well go ahead…tell me.

A: Tell you what?

C: The left fielders name.

A: Why.

C: Because I wanna know! Because!

A: Aw, he’s centerfield, you know these players as well as I-

C: Who’s in centerfield?

A: No, who’s on first.

C: What’s on first?

A: What’s on second.

C: I don’t know.

B: Third base!

C: Do you know the guys names on the team?

A: Look Louie, you don’t seem to understand. See, I have a first baseman.

C: You got…I know you got a first…

A: He get his…

C: I ask you what’s…

A: …paycheck every month…

C: …what’s the first. I ask you, what’s the first baseman’s name?

A: No, what’s the second baseman’s name.

C: I…I’m gonna stop asking you soon. I ask you what’s the fist baseman’s name?

A: What’s the second baseman’s name.

C: I don’t even get past the first…Alright! Who’s on second?

A: Who’s on first.

C: What base do you wanna talk about?!

A: We’ll talk about any one you want to talk about.

C: Alright! Now, who’s on first?

A: Right.

C: Ok.

A: Now…

C: *%#(*#&$)(*@

A: Now…

C: Alright. You got a first baseman?

A: Yes.

C: When you pay off the first baseman every month, who gets the money?

A: Ever dollar of it. Every dollar of it.

C: Who gets it?

A: Yes. Why not Lou? He’s earned it.

C: Who did?

A: Yes.

C: Look, when you pay off the first baseman every month, you get a receipt from the guy?

A: Sure.

C: How does he sign his name?

A: Who.

C: The guy you give the money too.

A: Who.

C: The guy you give the money to.

A: Well, that’s how he signs it, Lou.

C: That’s how who signs it?

A: Yes.

C: Well, go ahead and tell me.

A: That’s it.

C: Who?

A: Who. Right.

C: Look, you go to the first baseman.

A: Yes.

C: And you say him. Here’s your money, sign the receipt. How does he sign his name?

A: Who.

C: The guy you give the money to.

A: That’s how he signs it.

C: That’s how who signs it?

A: Yes.

C: Sure. You gotta get a receipt from the guy, don’t ya?!?!?

A: I get one, Lou!

C: How does the guy on first base sign his name?


C: The guy on first!

A: That’s how he signs it!

C: I’m asking you, when you give the guy the money, what’s the guys name that you give the money to?

A: Now wait a minute…now…what signs his own.

C: Who signs his own?

A: No, who signs his.

C: I mean, what’s the guys name on first you give the-

A: What is on second!

C: Who’s on second?

A: Who’s on first.

C: I don’t know.

B: Third base.

C: The left fielders name, the center fielder, I don’t know…you got a pitcher on the team?

A: Well, this would be a fine team without a pitcher.

C: It’s a fine team with…the pitcher’s name.

A: Tomorrow.

C: Ahhhhhh…you don’t want to tell me today?

A: I can’t change that name.

C: You don’t wanna tell me today?

A: I’m telling you.

C: Go ahead. Tell me the pitcher’s name.

A: Tomorrow.

C: Why not tell me today?!?!? I…

A: I am telling you!

C: Then tell me the pitcher’s name!

A: Tomorrow.

C: Alright. What time tomorrow will you tell me the pitcher’s name?

A: What time what?

C: What time tomorrow you gonna tell me who’s pitching?

A: Who is not pitching!

C: I’ll break your arm…I wanna know what’s the pitcher’s name?

A: What’s on second.

C: Who’s on second?

A: Who’s on first.

C: I don’t know.

B: Third base…third base…

C: You got a catcher?

A: Certainly you’ve got a catcher on a baseball team!

C: Catcher’s name.

A: Today.

C: Today. Tomorrow’s pitching, today’s catching.

A: Now you got it.

C: Now I got it? All I got is we got a couple of days on the team, that’s all!

A: I can’t help that Lou, I don’t make…

C: You know, Abbot, I’m a pretty good catcher myself.

A: So they tell me.

C: Yeah, now I get behind the plate and I’m gonna do some fancy catching, and tomorrow’s pitching on my team, right?

A: Yes.

C: Now tomorrow, he winds up the ball, an’ I’m behind the plate and a heavy hitter gets up.

A: Yes.

C: Now the heavy hitter gets up, and he’s ready to hit the ball, and Tomorrow is gonna throw the ball and I’m the catcher.

A: M-hm.

C: Now I’m gonna throw out…Tomorrow throws the ball, the guy up bunts the ball. Now when he bunts the ball, me being a good catcher, I’m gonna throw the guy out at first base. So I pick up the ball and I throw it to who?

A: Now that’s the first thing you’ve said right.

C: I don’t even know what I’m talking about!

A: Well, that’s all you have to do.

C: Is to throw the ball to first base.

A: Yes.

C: Now who’s got it!?

A: Naturally.

C: Sure. $(*#&$(*&@#…Look, the guy’s running to first base, Abbot!

A: Yes!

C: I wanna throw the guy out!

A: So?

C: So I throw the ball to who?

A: Naturally.

C: I throw it to who?

A: Naturally.

C: And who gets it?

A: Naturally.

C: Ah.

A: There, you got it.

C: So I pick up the ball and I throw it to naturally.

A: Ah nah! No! You throw the ball to the first baseman, who gets it.

C: Naturally.

A: That’s it. Now you’ve got it.

C: Hah. Same thing.

A: Right.

C: I pick up the ball, so I throw it to Naturally.

A: You don’t!

C: %*&$%)(….I throw it to who?

A: Naturally.

C: That’s what I’m saying!

A: You’re not saying that.

C: I said I throw the ball to who?

A: Naturally.

C: You ask me.

A: You throw the ball to who.

C: Naturally.

A: That’s it.

C: Same as you!

A: Say it that way.

C: I throw the ball to naturally.

A: You don’t, you throw the ball to who.

C: Now who’s got it?

B: Naturally.

C: That’s what I said.

A: Great.

C: Whoever it is better get it, that’s all I have to say.

A: He’ll get it. Don’t worry about who, who’ll get it, yes.

C: He’d better get it!

A: Alright.

C: Now I throw the ball to whoever it is drops the ball so the guy runs to second.

A: Rrrrr.

C: Who picks up the ball and throws to what, what throws to I don’t know, I don’t know throws it back to tomorrow. Triple play.

A: Could be.

C: Another guy gets up and it’s a long fly ball to because. Why? I don’t know. He’s on third, and I don’t give a darn!

A: What?

C: I said I don’t give a darn!

A: Oh, that’s our short stop.

C: &%)(*#_)(*%_)(*$%

Who’s On First?
