Tag Archives: The Beatles Legend
The Beatles Legend ~Fake Paul?

100612.mp3 (2分38秒)
■聞き手 ・福本哲也(ETC英会話 代表) ・青樹洋文
I have two copies of “Help” album, one is the United kingdom print that was sold in Japan. And on the cover, you see John, Paul, George, Ringo and John has a funny hat on and Paul has a T-shirt on. And Paul McCartney looks so strong. But the thing is that Paul McCartney doesn’t look like the real McCartney. He’s too tall. And on Sgt. Pepper’s album, also, he’s too tall. And on the Magical mystery tour album and video, you see, Paul’s too tall. That’s the fake Paul. Fake Paul. Yeah, he’s too tall, because you can’t hide that fact. Because here’s the deal, John Lennon and Paul McCartney were almost exactly the same height. In they stood together, when the early days, shoulder to shoulder, they were equal. But all of sudden, Paul McCartney grew two inches. How did that happen? Look at the shoes! Oh, on one of the Magical mystery tour album, let’s see, what album? I think it is album. On one song, Paul McCartney has socks on no shoes, and he’s still taller than John Lennon. If he put on some shoes, he would be one and half inches taller. Yeah.
◆使用楽曲 (BGM) Cellar Boy by Lonely Planet Boy 1969
The Beatles Legend ~Good Morning,Good Morningの秘密

The Beatles Legend ~Good Morning,Good Morningの秘密 (3分10秒)
■聞き手 ・福本哲也(ETC英会話 代表) ・青樹洋文
Now here is what happened with me. My sister was, uh, in 1967, I was eleven, my sister was twenty. My sister was about to get married. And she came home. She was living out, she came home for Christmas. And my mother and father gave her that album for a Christmas present. And my brother had a some other album, because we always asked mom, can we have these albums? We always asked for rock and roll album for Christmas presents. And so my brother and sister played that album after we opened our presents. And I was listening to my brother and sister talk. And my brother said “God, maybe it’s true. Maybe Paul is dead.” My sister said, “really?” They were talking. They were playing that song. “A day in the life” and “Good morning, Good morning” from his rugby days The opening of Good morning, because “Good morning good morning, goes. Nothing to do to save his life, call his wife in”, wow, because the accident, supposedly, Paul McCartney died when the sun was coming up. だから“Good morning, good morning, good morning”, then Ringo Starr’s military drum Jam, “Nothing to do to save his life”. Paul McCartney had no wife, he had a fiancée who he was going to marry. That’s right there, my brother said, they said he died in the morning, and “Good morning, Good morning” is the new day. “Nothing to do to save his life” That’s the key point right there.
◆使用楽曲 (BGM) Drink Beer (Till The Day That I Die) by Dazie Mae
The Beatles Legend ~サージェント・ペパーズ・アルバムの秘密

100608.mp3 (2分14秒)
■聞き手 ・福本哲也(ETC英会話 代表) ・青樹洋文
Yes, so the starting point, you should buy, the picture of Sgt. Pepper’s album. Buy the album, if you can. And preferable to get one of the first copies, which I have. And you look on that cover, on the front and back. And I can show you all these clues. For example, the Beatles are standing like this. OK? Here is John. Here is Paul. Here is Ringo and George . Paul, John, Ringo, George. They had suits on, Paul McCartney has bare feet. Bare feat is the way they buried people in part of England. When they placed the body in the coffin お葬式, they don’t put shoes on. You got flowers, which is the shape of a guitar, a base guitar. And also you can see a three, which means the three Beatles, not four. Paul McCartney, rugby trophy from his rugby days. Black TV, which means no media coverage. And there are so many things right there in front of you.
◆使用楽曲 (BGM) Holding George Martins Handby radiotimes
The Beatles Legend ~ポール死亡説

100604.mp3 (7分00秒)
ビートルズにはこんな都市伝説があるそうです。あなたはご存知でしたか?2010-06-04 14:50:51
■聞き手 ・福本哲也(ETC英会話 代表) ・青樹洋文
How much do you know about the Beatles’ legend? How much do you now about the Beatles?
Q: A little
Ok, I’ll tell you something very, you know. This is very important. What I’m gonna say, you may not agree, that’s OK. It’s very controversial. And if I tell you when I’m, if I do tell you, then that’s a whole other story, that I mean, we could talk about for hours and hours and hours.
So one more time, this album, this song was on the last album they played and made together. OK? And remember, one more thing, the last Beatles live concert was in August 26 1969, San Francisco at Candlestick Park. And so here is the legend. It was said that Paul McCartney died in an automobile crash. OK? And it was covered up. And there’s so many pieces of the evidence. First of all, it’s obvious. After August 26 1969, the Beatles never performed live in a concert again. And when they made this album, they had a Sayonara concert on a rooftop in London. Because John Lennon was so happy, his contract was finished. And so they had one last party on the top of a roof. And it was cold and kind of rainy. And the police came in and broke up the party. But they would let the police in until the Beatles played for about 90 minutes. And so, they wrote the song in 1968 I think, but we heard it 1969. So that means about a year and half, two years past after Paul McCartney died, which I do believe Paul McCartney died. Because…
Q: You believe?
Oh, yes. Yes, I believe. Yeah. OK. Anyway, so that’s what I mean, I just told you today, if you read the songs after, anything written after August 26 1966, you will notice the difference. So we think, well, me and my friends think, my friends are hard core Beatles freaks like me. We think that he’s talking about, here is what happened.
Paul McCartney was driving a car. George Harrison and Paul McCartney got into an argument. And then Ringo starr said something. And Paul McCartney got angry. And He worked out of the recording studio. And they all had been drinking alcohol on that particular night. And so he went out and got into hie car and he supposedly was driving home. He didn’t make it home. He crashed, at Aston Martin, car. And he died in a crash.
So what happened was police called Brian Epstein, the Beatles manager, and said “hey, Paul McCartney’s dead.” Brian Epstein’s like, “what?” Epstein quickly told them “please don’t do anything, don’t tell anybody. ” Oh, Mick Jagger was there with the Beatles at that time. Yes, at the session. And Epstein was the genius. He told John Lennon that we shouldn’t tell anybody, anything. We gotta talk to the police and get our layer, and see if you can keep the news and media. Epstein was thinking farther ahead. He wanted to pay the police. He wanted to bribe the police to kill the story. So Epstein went and then the layer showed up and the police were there. The police had surrounded the car and were keeping onlookers back and there weren’t so many because the accident happened in a small town. But the all people were looking. It was in the middle of the night. It was like, 5 o’clock in the morning. The sun was just doesn’t coming. People were trying to look in there and see. Who is it? What happened? You know. And the story never made it into the media.
Now I have searched this on google and yahoo. Any reference, any news, any article, there is nothing. There’s nothing. Not one piece. Nothing. So we believe the story was effectively killed and that never made it to the media. Maybe it’s true that they paid money to the local police official to shut it up.
Now why they would do that? Well, only because the Beatles had 200 songs, they were earning royalties, only because the Capital record did not want to stop the money machine. And they knew if Paul McCartney dead, that’s the end of the Beatles. So you are talking huge money. You have Brain Epstein, the manager of the Beatles, he got 25% of the Beatles net earnings. Yes. Yes. And remember the Beatles paid 80% tax, capital gain tax at that time. The tax structure in England was crazy. So who’s making money? Epstein, the lawyer, Capital records, all the theaters. Come on. You are the walking money machines. Paul McCartney. They were the first rocking roll band to generate all this money. Wow. Wow.
◆使用楽曲 (BGM) Que Sera by Calling Sister Midnight
The Beatles Legend ~ジョンレノンの詩の特徴

100504.mp3 (1分57秒)
■聞き手 ・福本哲也(ETC英会話 代表) ・青樹洋文
If you look at these songs, Lennon and McCartney, they didn’t use difficult grammar or adjectives, or you know. The point is John Lennon’s wit. He, John Lennon played loved to play with your head. And he loved to play with words and puns, and double entendre.
Q: Double ?
Double entendres, which means a word group, an expression has more than one meaning. He loved to do that. That’s brilliant expression that I am coming. OK? Paul McCartney was simple, you know, he was into very simple expressions. Lennon was into mind games. He liked to play with your head.
◆使用楽曲 (BGM) Cellar Boyby Lonely Planet Boy 1969
The Beatles Legend ~インドへの旅

100502.mp3 (2分16秒)
■聞き手 ・福本哲也(ETC英会話 代表) ・青樹洋文
They went to India in 1967. They stayed in India for a few months. Many artists traveled with them. Donovan Leitch traveled with them and some other minor writers. And they have big entourage. And Lennon and George Harrison were very interested in Transcendental Meditation. And they were using LSD and psychotropic drugs. They were exploring consciousness. And so there were tired of the Christian religion. And they are going to seek up a different philosophy. So they went to India. Now it was in India, so many songs were written. In fact, Leonnon wrote like a 55 songs, of which about 25 made onto albums. And the others were kept by Yoko Ono. They were never turned into music. And, let’s see, so they came back from India, John Lennon finished, He wanted to finish the contract, then after that contract with, I think it was Capital records, they, he broke away from the Beatles. That was 1969, 1970, I don’t know. So you have to think that into consideration too.
◆使用楽曲 (BGM) peaceful-sinerave by phon
2010-05-02 18:37:45
The Beatles Legend ~作詞をしたのはポール or ジョン

100430.mp3 (3分10秒)
■聞き手 ・福本哲也(ETC英会話 代表) ・青樹洋文
If you go back to 1966 from November, from that point on, you notice, you will notice a big change in the lyrics, because, before that, most of the songs were about love and friendship and nice happy things. But after, after that point, John Lennon wrote most of the songs. If you really… Every album says Lennon McCartney, Lennon McCartney, Lennon McCartney. That’s misleading. John Lennon wrote most of the lyrics. Paul input something and Paul wrote a few songs by himself, but it’s, according to the contractual agreement, McCartney was smart. He demanded to be, to have equal rights. Harrison and Ring Starr, they had very little economic power, economic rights. OK? So You have to think about that. Because when you read these songs, you have to know, it’s good to know, if you want to understand the Beatles, you have to understand John Lennon’s life, and you have to understand his education, his upbringing, his family, his mother and father and uncles and Aunt. You have to understand what made John Lennon, John Lennon. OK? What books did he read? What trials and tribulations did he have? And if you study Paul McCartney, you will see they are totally different people, totally different people. Paul McCartney liked to play rugby. He was happy-go-lucky guy. He always had many girl friends, because he was so cute. John lennon was a thinker. Paul McCartney was a party boy. Paul MacCartney didn’t think very deeply, actually. He didn’t. He didn’t care about the political issues, social issues. No. That was Lennon’s. So when you read, so if you know that, if you learn that, then these songs take on a different meaning, a whole new meaning. Yeah.
◆使用楽曲 (BGM) ” I Think I Started A Trend ” by U_F_O
The Beatles Legend ~ブライアン・エプスタインの影響

100428.mp3 (3分41秒)
ビートルズは、1962年10月レコードデビューし、1970年4月解散するまで、様々な変化を遂げているそうです。その中でも1966年11月において最も大きな変化が起こったとのこと。ブライアン・エプスタイン(Brian Samuel Epstein)がビートルズのマネジメントを行うようになったことも、ビートルズに大切な変化をもたらしました。さて、それはどのようなものだったのでしょうか。
■出演 ・マイク先生(ETCマンツーマン英会話)
・福本哲也(ETC英会話 代表)
The Beatles went through many changes. OK? And especially after 1966 in the winter, from the winter 1966, the Beatles made big changes, very important changes. Now, so, I have all the Beatles albums, OK? I have one copy of, two White albums and two Let it be albums and two… Anyway, I have one copy of every album. And if you study the Beatles which I have, that’s to study every single song. And by the way, the Beatles, John Lennon, Paul McCartney, had two other groups before they made the Beatles. And First, let’s see, the second group was called “Johnny & the Moondogs”. And the first group was called, I forgot, right now my brain isn’t working. But John Lennon and Paul McCartney, they made two groups and they were not making any money. They didn’t make any money until Brian Epstein came into the picture. He turned them into suits and ties and the Beatles hair cut. All right, that was 1964. Anyway if you read each song, then you come to 1966, then after that point, you notice, you will notice that the lyrics change very… before 1966 and November, October and November, they, the Beatles played other artists’ music sometimes. They played Chuck Berry. They played some other, I forgot his name、Buddy Holly, OK? And they wrote some of their own songs. That’s right. That’s right. But they really didn’t have confidence until Brian Epstein came into the picture.
Q: Who?
Brian Epstein. we say Epstein, the British say Epstein. He became their first real manager. He brought them stardom. He put them in suites and ties. He told them to cut their hair a certain way, to dress a certain way. And see, he was, Epstein was brilliant, because it was his marketing scheme. He knew how to make them palatable to the public. Because before Epstein, they wore leather jackets, all leather. And they had a biker image. He knew the public would not go for that at that time. So he put them in white shirts, black suits. And that was brilliant.
◆使用楽曲 (BGM) North Hollywood Skyline EP by Brady Harris
The Beatles Legend ~ブライアン他殺説

100606.mp3 (3分39秒)
■出演 ・マイク先生(ETCマンツーマン英会話)
■聞き手 ・福本哲也(ETC英会話 代表) ・青樹洋文
And Just to make it more interesting, guess what! Brian Epstein died one year after Paul McCartney died. Wow! Isn’t that a coincidence? Gee. Brian Epstein was gay. He was a frown boy and gay guy. At that time, it was not cool to be gay. In the 1960s, you didn’t come out and say that I am gay. No. You kept it the secret to yourself. And guess what! It’s said that Brian Epstein died from a sleeping pills overdose. Gee. Just like Marilyn Monroe, just like Brian Jones of the Rolling Stones, and just like Jim Morrison of the Doors. Gee. They all take sleeping pills and kill themselves, when they were millionaires.
So we never, me and my friends, no, we don’t believe Brian Epstein killed himself. Why would you kill yourself. Brian Epstein was a millionaire before he met the Beatles. Brian Epstein’s parents were a major furniture manufacture entity in England. He was like a BOCHAN. He was a rich boy. The Beatles were just a game for him. He didn’t have to work. And Brian Epstein was a very educated man. So it doesn’t make any sense. Why would you kill yourself? OK?
OK. So, who would make all money after Paul McCartney dead, let’s kill his manager, get him out of the way. Now the lawyer for the record company and the record company, they were making all money. And remember! John, John Lennon and Paul, Paul McCartney, they couldn’t even control their copyrights. Because when they entered into the agreement with Capital records, they had to sign another part of the contract that said, but you can’t sell your songs to anybody as you my wish. No, because we are partial party to your copyrights. So John Lennon hated that.
So, who’s gonna stick up for Paul McCartney. Paul McCartney was single. He had no wife. Get out of the picture! Here is what probably happened. Brian Epstein and Lennon, “Listen! Don’t tell anybody what happened. You found the stand-in. We find somebody that looks enough like Paul. Then we can put him on the albums, good enough face. We can have him play minor parts. We will never go in the concert again. So nobody will be able to see us. They won’t be able to hear it for and see his hands and all the distinguished mark. In the public, we will put it on the albums and 大丈夫. Cosmetic surgery, we can do it. And that’s what they did.
◆使用楽曲 (BGM) Upside Down Inside Her Head by Dazie Mae