人生を深めるために外国語を コリン先生(松本) ETCマンツーマン英会話

ETCマンツーマン英会話 コリン先生(松本)Q: お生まれはどちらですか?

I was born in Leeds Yorkshire Capital City of Yorkshire. It has population of about 750,000, Its main industries are clothing, engineering and printing. Most suites made in Savile Row, London are made with Yorkshire cloth. I haven’t lived there for many years, but I occasionally go home to visit my father and brothers who still live there


II’ve lived in Japan 28 years now. I came in 1982. The reason I came was I met my wife in Spain, and I came to see her, after while I decided to stay and we married. I have always lived in Mejiro, I think I am a Mejiro boy.


趣味はガーデニング。ラグビー観戦。もう何十年も前のことになりますが、私もラグビーをやっていました。娘が小さい頃から、ヨーロッパやアジアなど、色々な国に連れて行きました。他の国の人々に対する理解を深め、より良い人間になってもらいたいからです。私たちの人生において大切にしていることです。 ETCマンツーマン英会話 コリン先生(目白)
My hobbies are gardening, watching rugby and travelling. Now I enjoy watching rugby, many, many years ago I played. We have a daughter and from a very early age we started taking her on overseas travel. She has had opportunity to visit many countries in Europe and Asia. We wanted her to have a chance to see her people live and get to understand the many different cultures. This, I think, has made us all better people.

I enjoy reading action stories, but also enjoy books such as the Tails of Genji. I’ve read it twice, and many others.



I have taught at many famous companies in Japan such as Toshiba, Ricoh, NTT, Hitachi, JGC, Nicki Corporation. 12 years at Senmon Gakko and two years at high school.

Q: マンツーマンのレッスンではどのような点に重点を置くのでしょうか?

ETCマンツーマン英会話 コリン先生(目白)When teaching the most important thing is with private lesson to find out what they need it for, social, travel, hobby, exams or business. Some need TOEIC for job employment so what they need is to receive, isn’t it?

I also feel to give student a use in idioms is important. I use a book which has group idioms, example food, numbers, body parts, animals, geography, recreation for example,

busy as bees, (非常に忙しい、たいへん活動的で、よく働く) fit as fiddle, (元気で, ぴんぴんして) good as gold, ((子どもが)とてもおとなしくて) happy as a lark, (楽しい) hard as nails, (無慈悲な、毅然とした、実に強健な.) hungry as a bear, (とてもおなかの空いた) regular as clockwork, (規則正しい.) sick as a dog, (とても気分が悪い) stubborn as a mule, (どうしようもなく頑固な,まったく言うことを聞かない) weak as a kitten, (弱虫な)

イディオムを学ぶと、一つの単語は複数の意味を持っていることがわかります。このことは生徒さんの語彙力を増やすことになります。ただ、初級レベルに生徒さんが、あまり多用すると混乱することもあります。幾つか覚えて、実際に使えるようになるといいですね。でも、例えば「sick as a dog」は、男性的な表現です。女性が使う言葉としては、上品さに欠けています。
Idioms give students a chance that a word has more than one meaning, so it expands their vocabulary. Too many idioms would confuse low level students. But to master a few gives pleasure. “Sick as a dog” is not really lady’s talk. It is unrefined for ladies speech.

ETCマンツーマン英会話 コリン先生(目白)ネイティブスピーカーに英語を学ぶのは、多くの生徒さんが週に一回だけ、趣味の方もいらっしゃいますが、それでも文化を学び、外国の人々の考え方を知ることはとても大切なことですね。
Although most people only study once a week like a hobby with a native speaker, you will lean a culture and inside to foreigner view.




◎BBCコメディー『Only Fools And Horses』を見ながら
コックニーって何?~Bow Bellsの音が聴こえますか?
Don’t split hairs” の意味は
“The girls wouldn’t touch him with 10 foot barge poles.” の意味は?
“purple heart”の意味は?
“milk monitor”の意味は?
“swing it”の意味は
“Are you putting me on?”の意味は
“Your bottle is gone”の意味は?
“fed up”の意味は?
“Let’s call it a day!”の意味は?
