BBCNewsリーダーの英語を学んだ理由~リチャード先生(四国) ETCマンツーマン英会話
Q: お生まれはどちらですか
I am from just about the 50 km north of London. And it’s a new town like Tama new town. After the war because of the damage to London, so many people had to move out of there and then they built a new town.
Most of my classmate, we were all countryside children not city boys. And after the war when they built a new town, many young people were coming from the east end of London, It’s Shitamachi part of London, to live in the new town. And they started to mix in the high schools. Because all of us like Inaka boys and suddenly you had all these city boys from London, who were speaking really fast and using their London, East End accent. So their culture is quite different for us.
Q 都会の子供たちはコックニーを話していたのですか?
A little bit different from Cockney but similar, London back slang. But it was good. it expanded my own world. Because when I was living in a very small country town basically, that was very narrow world.
Q 高校卒業後に芸術大学に進学したのですか?
No, it didn’t work out like that. My education was very mixed up. I left school when I was 16 years old, than I went to work for an aircraft company. I did this 5 years preintership with them. But I was really not so interested to work in the factory. So I wanted to get out of the factory and I was really interested in doing art. So I took one year out. And then I did like one year Ronin and studied to get the entrance examination for art school for an professional artist. So I went back to college when I was 21 years old.
At art school all my classmates were really rich people, they were royal family people, prim minister daughters, Dunghill families, they are all Bochan, kind of Ojousama. They are very all high class people.
One of the things about my family was that they all used local Hogen. And when I was about 12 years old, I decided to copy the BBC news reader way of speaking. Because I knew at that time, in England a way you speak influences to a way people treat you. And so I didn’t go to a good school, but already I was thinking about if I could learn to speak more clearly without any kind of accent, that it would be better for me. So by the time I went to art school, my accent was OK to meet to mixing with all those high class people. Because I didn’t have any strong accent.
芸術大学卒業後、どうすべきか悩んでいました。私は画家と彫刻家としての教育を受けましたが、今後の進路はとても厳しいものだと思っていました。裕福な子供であれば芸術家として創作活動を続けらるよう家族が支援してくれるのかもしれませんが、私はそうではありませんでした。そこで私は、VSO (Voluntary Service Overseas)というボランティア団体に就職することを決めました。厳しい面接でしたが合格することができ、三年間パプアニューギニアに行くことになりました。焼き物、ゴムの加工、手芸や織り物などの小規模な産業の育成に従事していました。26歳の時には、40名のスタッフと多くの作業場を抱えるリサーチセンターのディレクターに昇進しました。あの3年間は本当に冒険のような毎日でした。
After I finished the art school, I didn’t know what to do, because I trained as a painter and a sculptor. And I thought it’s going to be difficult, because I am not a rich boy. The rich kids could go on and work as an artist and their family would support them. So I decided to apply for a volunteer agency called VSO (Voluntary Service Overseas). And It was also quite difficult interview. But I got accepted as a volunteer. And I went off to Papua New Guinea for 3 years.So I was working on pottery development and I did other small industries like rubber processing and handcraft and weaving. When I was only 26 years old, I became the director of research centre. We had 40 staffs and a lot of workshops and things. So that was really 3 years adventure life.
After that I went to Australia to work as an art teacher for one year. But, when I went back to the UK, after Papua New Guinea and Australia, it felt very tight feeling, because in New Guinea it was like wild west place and so many adventures everyday. So when I went back to the UK, I thought “Oh I couldn’t really go back to teaching high school in the UK”.
But thing is when I finished art school or my last year, I was very interested in Japanese art, music. I learnt to play Igo and Mahjong. And my artwork was based on a lot of Japanese interior. I liked Torii gate things. I was using these images for my sculpture. And at that time I actually really wanted to come to Japan.
I was very lucky. English school in Shibuya, they advertised in London newspaper, and I got an interview, everything went OK. And I came to Tokyo 1981. And that school was also teaching at Gaimusho. After one year, I worked there. That was a intensive English classes for Japanese government officials who were going to work in embassies all around the world. It wasn’t just only Gaimusho, there was Monbusho, Okurasho, Boueichou and secret police. So I did that for about 3 years. After that I started freelance teaching at home, teaching at company class.
Q しばらく英語のレッスンをお休みされていた時期がありましたね。
About 1993, I got my first Macintosh computer. And at that time, I wanted to go back to the art. I was 40 years. I thought this is good chance for me to learn new some technology because I knew the computers were going to be very important in the near future. And then I got into doing the artwork of these kind of drawings for airplanes.
I had some of my artworks exhibited at the Mainich Shinbun’s art gallery at Takebashi. I did on some work for Tokyo University at 2009. I did this drawing of a glider and Tokyo University used it to make Mokei and that was used for their symposium. So now there is a permanent display in Tokyo University and some of my artworks are in that display.
Q レッスンはどのように進めていますか
My teaching style is I always like to keep the equal. I don’t like the Japanese Sensei and the student way. I like to make them feel relaxed. So I don’t put any pressure on the students.
英語学習において日本人に大切なことが2つあると思います。ひとつは発音です。ここでは先ず最初に発音のレッスンを行います。日本語の音声は喉で作られます。しかし英語の音声はお腹から送られてくる空気圧で作られます。「a e i o u」のような母音もそうです。喉は全く使いません。この空気圧を使いあとは口の形を変えるだけです。この空気圧はRとLの発音でもとても大切です。Lの発音では、空気圧が上下している舌にぶつかりますので、とてもソフトな音になります。しかし、Rは舌が寝たままの状態で動きませんので、とても力強い音になります。Thも同じですね。通常私はこれをろうそくを使って教えています。
I think there are 2 points for Japanese. One is pronunciation part. So I always teach here phonetics before I start. One of the biggest things for Japanese people is that the sound of Japanese language is made in throat. But for English, it’s made from the air comes up from the stomach. And so vowel sounds like a e i o u are coming from the stomach. The throat doesn’t do anything. All you are doing is just changing the shape of your mouth and using the air pressure. Air pressure is very important for R and L. With the L sound, your tongue goes up and down. The air is hitting the tongue. So L is very soft sound. But with R, as the tongue stays down, so R is very powerful. Th is the same. What I normally do is I just use a candle.
もうひとつは、英語のリズムです。英語にはリズムとスピードがあります。同じスピードで話されることはありません。日本語は「タ・カ・ダ・ノ・バ・バ」の様に速度は一定ですね。もちろん「ウッソー?」、「ホントー?」のような発音もありますが、非常に限られています。一方英語は、「wow, tooooo hot today」のようにtooの部分を伸ばして発音をしたりします。 優しくWhat are you doing?と言うのと、whatの部分を強く発音して、 [What] are you doing? と言うのとでは、意味が変わって来ます。このようなレッスンをまず最初のレッスンで行います。
And the other part is the rhythm of English. English has a rhythm and speed. It doesn’t go at the same speed. Japanese tense to be just like TA-KA-DA-NO-BA-BA. Of course you have like Usso, Honto before something like that. There are a few things. But the words are not really suitable stretched. But in English, “wow, tooooo hot today”. too is stretched. What are you doing. [What] are you doing? By changing the pressure, you change the meaning. That’s something I do right at the beginning.
Q 英語の正しいリズムをマスターする良い方法はありますか?
ゆっくりと話すことだと思います。日本の生徒さんは英語を早く話すことが良いと思っています。しかしそうではありません。なぜなら、早く話すとリズムを付けられないからです。リズムをつけて話すことのほうが、早く話すことよりも良いことなのです。 I think it’s speaking more slowly. Japanese students think speaking in English fast means good, but it doesn’t mean good. Because speaking fast doesn’t have rhythm. So speaking with rhythm is better than fast.
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