Larry King に学ぶ質問力強化法(2) – Wh questions

paradiselost2-thumb YesかNoか。One word で応えられる質問ばかりを続けていると、直に会話は途切れてしまいます。ETCマンツーマン英会話のブレンダン先生のお勧めの書籍『How to talk to anyone,anytime, anywhere』(Larry King 著)では、”AVOID YES/NO QUESTION”。(「「イエス」か「ノー」で答えられる質問は避けよう」)と言っています。

 Larry King の Wh questions (Information questions)を参考にすることは、良い質問を学ぶひとつの方法になりそうです。実際に、下記のインタビューで、Larry Kingは約150の質問をしていますが、Johnny Deppが簡単にyes、noの一言で応えたのは20回余り。Larry Kingの質問が、Johnny Deppの言葉を効果的に引き出している、と言っていいのかもしれません。

 Johnny Deppは、「ウエスト・メンフィス3事件」の容疑者の冤罪を訴え、釈放のための活動をしていました。単なる人気映画俳優という肩書きでだけでは語りきれない、一人の人間としてのJohnny Deppの奥深い部分に、Larry KingのWh questionsが問いかけて行きます。

   ”What do you make of finally the release of the Memphis Three? “
   ”Why did you get involved?” 

   ”Like what if they did it? You’re going to look bad.”


What do you make of finally the release of the Memphis Three? You got involved in that battle. We did a whole show on it.


We had them on. And they still not — they’re guilty. They’re out. But it’s crazy.

It’s a very strange thing the state of Arkansas presented to them. Essentially, you know, to say, OK. All you have to do is say that we have the evidence to convict you again, and — but we’ll do time served and you’re out. Admitting guilt, maintaining your innocence. So it’s a very — you know, it’s a really floppy piece of ground to stand on.

Why did you get involved?

Because I — I knew immediately, you know, when I — when I first started to get, you know, kind of familiarize myself with the case, I knew instantly that they were innocent. I knew instantly that they were wrongfully accused. And the more research I did and the more people I spoke to, it was absolutely apparent.

Did you have anybody say to you, you know, Johnny, you go out on a limb on a thing like this.

Oh, yes, yes. A lot of people.

Like what if they did it? You’re going to look bad.

There was that kind of thing. Yes. But I just knew. I just knew, you know. I — it was just — it was ugly and — and a raw deal from the get-go. Back in ’93. And you’re thinking of these three kids, you know, one, Damien Echols on death row for 18 years. Ten years in isolation. You know, for a crime that he did not commit.

You think Obama should pardon them?

I mean, it would be wonderful. I don’t — I think he’s probably got a few other things on his mind at the moment. But, yes, yes. What I’m hoping is that the investigation will continue outside the courthouse right now and we will be able to prove the real killers.

ウエスト・メンフィス 3 釈放
