接客業で学んだマネジメントと文化を英会話レッスンに活かして ブレンダン先生(千歳船橋/小田急線) ETCマンツーマン英会話

英会話プライベートレッスン ブレンダン先生(あざみ野)現在多忙につき受付停止中です。ご了承ください。

Q: お生まれはどちらですか?

I was born in Sydney Australia, in a beach suburb called Maroubra. It’s very famous beach in Sydney. So my childhood was always in summer holidays going to the beach, and playing sports, swimming and playing with friends at beach. That was my life style.

Then I came to Japan, when I was 23 years old, in 1991. I worked at Hakone Kowakien as a waiter, which meant I had to learn Japanese. Many foreigners come to Japan to start to work at English school, which means they never get to learn Japanese language or they don’t get to work with Japanese people, or they don’t have any Japanese friends. So I was very lucky that I came here and got this opportunity to study Japanese language, Japanese food, and Japanese style service.

So that was for one and half years, then I went back to Sydney. At the beginning, I went to work at ANA hotel in Sydney for 2 years. And then I worked for the airline in Sydney in Australia. And then I came back to Japan for second time in 1996 and then I stayed for 4 years at that time. This time I started teaching English. First year, I was working at Prince hotel in Shiga-Kougen in Nagano for the Nagano Olympics.

Q 約14年の講師経験があるわけですね。

Yes. That’s right. And I went back to Sydney and started to run restaurants in Sydney. I was a Japanese restaurant manager in Sydney. Because I was able to learn a lot of information about management, so now I teach, at Sumisho, NEC and Hitachi, management, leadership, and psychology of motivation in English.

Q 日本人は多くの時間をかけて英語を学んだのにもかかわらず、実際に海外でネイティブスピーカーの英語が理解できずに、ショックを受けることがよくあります。何か良いアドバイスはありますか?

So try to somehow get knowledge of other countries, either by looking at dramas on TV, or reading some Web sites, which focus on that country’s popular culture, and find out what’s going on in other countries.

It happens in the reverse as well. For example, I remember when I was working at Kowakien, we had a new Australian came. He had been studying Japanese for 4 years at Australian university in Australia, came to Japan, and was shocked, because he could not understand anything.


Because he didn’t have the experience of actually living in Japan, and he didn’t have the experience of having Japanese friends. He learnt from a textbook. But then when he spoke to Japanese in Japan, it was completely different. So it happens in the reverse as well. It’s not just Japanese.

Q スピーキングとヒヤリングの能力を高めるにはどうしたらよいでしょうか?

For speaking, first of all, it’s important to be able to be confident with your own voice. So what I tell students to do is, I give them a small article, “go home and read it 50 times aloud in your own voice.” And even if you don’t understand the meaning, just read it and listen to your voice, and try to find out the rhythm, and try to get the intonation correct, and the pauses correct. Try to find out where English stress is. And when you hear your own voice, you get very confident, because you can change it and try to adjust it. Now when you read an article, you are hearing your own voice. So that helps your hearing as well. It’s very interactive.

I am thinking about, people at a higher level, try to see some English TV drama. A drama can be effective, because you can watch it every week, and actually get very interested in the drama. You can sit in front of the TV with a dictionary and just listen to it over and over again. And if you hear a word and recognize the word, but you don’t know the meaning, look it up straight away.

When I first came to Japan, that’s what I did. And the first show I watched was “ねるとん紅鯨団”, because it was very funny. It taught me all the basic things of Japanese language. I sat in front of the TV with the dictionary and I didn’t know what “よろしくおねがします” was. I looked it up and it taught me how to do a greeting in Japanese. And also that was a perfect show, because that was real people doing real life talking. It was funny and interesting.

マンツーマンETC英会話良いドラマがたくさんあります。妻のお気に入りは、『ブラザーズ& シスターズ』。日本人の妻はこんなことを言っていました。「すでに4ヶ月見ているけど、リスニングが少し良くなってきた」と。彼女がそのドラマを本当に楽しんでいるからだと思います。
There’re many good dramas, like one called “Brothers and Sisters”, which is about a family. My Japanese wife likes it. She said, “I’ve been watching “Brothers and Sisters” for 4 months, I’ve noticed any improvement in my listening,” because she really enjoys the drama.

So I suggest somehow try to find a drama that you get some enjoyment, or passion for, or you really like that actress or that actor. And you can really get involved in that dram and just watch it. And don’t try to look for 100%, but your goal is 70%. If you try to understand 100%, people loose their confidence. Always go for 30% at the beginning, then 50%. And if you get more than 70%, you’re going well.

Q 先生の英語は発音、アクセントなど癖がなく、とてもわかりやすいのですが、スタンダードな英語を話すように意識をされているのですか?

In Sydney, a lot of people speak like this, because it’s a very international business center of Australia, and it’s now such a mixture of cultures. Also I was working for hotels and restaurants, which meant I had to speak clearly. Many Japanese think I am changing my voice for them, but this is my normal voice.

And an interesting thing about Australia is it’s too young. For example, in Japan, if somebody comes from Akita or Yamaguchi, you know straight away, if they speak their dialect. But in Australia, there’s no real dialect. If you have 5 Australians from 5 different places in Australia, it’s very difficult to say, “He’s from Sydney. He’s from Membrane.” Their English is similar.

Because Japan has got such a long history, where language developed, and there’re many barriers in Japan, stopped people from getting over to the other side and mixing their language. And that’s why you have all these dialects in Japan.

Australians came 200 years ago. And suddenly the trains, cars and airplanes came to the world, and Australians could move very quickly, which didn’t give us a chance to develop a different language in every area. Of course, the countryside of Australia is very strong Australian accent. The city is a little bit more standard. But I don’t know where they are from. All I can say is country and city, maybe.





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