スコッツ語でoutは?~『Gary Tank Commander』で笑いながらマンツーマン英会話(1)

51Gretg4BML.jpg 「英語の発音はひとつではありません。実践的な英会話力をつける秘訣は、いろいろなタイプの英語に触れましょう」。こうアドバイスをしてくれたのはETCマンツーマン英会話のチャールズ先生です。

 BBCスコットランドのコメディ、『Gary Tank Commander』。イラクからの帰還兵のGaryとその仲間たちのなんともとぼけた日常を描いてます。スコットランドでは大人気のようですが、Garyのスコットランド訛りは手ごわいようです。


[Gary] Don’t laugh at his name, Gary.Just a wee furry animal.Just think about Countdown.

[Badger] At ease, Corporal, er…Mc-Line-tock?

[Gary] Yes, Sir.

[Badger] General Randy Badger.Thanks for meeting me.

[Gary] I was told I had to, sir.

[Badger] That’s what a good soldier does, follows orders. So. where to?

[Gary] Er…Landy’s oot the front.

[Badger] What?

[Gary] The Jeep’s oot the front.

[Badger] Come again?

[Gary] The…the car? Is…is parked oot the…the front.

[Badger] Yes, of course. I’m not used to the accent.Although, interestingly, my father’s father on his side was Scotch. From, er…Ardossan.

[Gary] Right. Oh, I’ve never been, sir.

[Badger] Hell, neither have I. Never been to Scotland.Love the old Scotch, though.

[Gary] What, old Scottish people?

[Badger] The drink, Corporal.

[Gary] Oh, right. I like the old Baileys.

[Badger] My wife Betty, she loves Baileys.

[Gary] Betty Badger? Mrs Badger.Yes sir. Right


 ▽Gary Tank Commander IMDb

 ▽Scottish Online Dictionary
