スコッツ語でkenの意味は?~『Gary Tank Commander』で笑いながらマンツーマン英会話(2)


 BBCスコットランドのコメディ、『Gary Tank Commander』から。



 ken [kɛn, ken]



 アメリカ人も苦労するスコットランド訛り、Gary のちょっととぼけた解説で楽しみながら学んで行きましょう。aye、dinnae、の意味についても説明しています。


[Badger] Do you trust me, soldier?

[Gary] Yes, General.

[Badger] Good, cos it’s all about trust. Because you, Corporal, are an integral component to the success of my mission.

[Gary] Er…what… what’s your mission, sir?

[Badger] Cross-international home station strategic planning.

[Gary] That sounds brilliant.

[Badger] It does, doesn’t it? I’m gonna be examining what you boys do when you’re stationed at home and not in the heat.

[Gary] Oh, right, aye, when we’re at home in the house and it’s cold. Aye, ken what you mean.

[Badger] What’s that? You ken? What’s that word?

[Gary] Sorry, General, That’s like a scottish word. It means, um…to, like, er…ken. Like, to ken.

[Badger] Explain yourself, soldier.

[Gary] Um, to…Know someone or something.

[Badger] OK, so, to ken it to know?

[Gary] Aye, like to ken someone is to know them.

[Badger] Do you ken them?

[Gary] Who, General?

[Badger] No, no, I mean is that right? As in, you can ken someone?

[Gary] Aye, that’s right.

[Badger] Aye is yes. I ken that.

[Gary] Correct, General.

[Badger] This is good. It’s important to be able to communicate with the locals.
So, do you ken him? Them I do ken him?

[Gary] Yeah, that’s right. Well, it depends if you do ken him. If you dinnae ken him then you’d say, “I dinnae ken him.”

[Badger] I dinnae kennae?

[Gary] I dinnae ken, General. You might or you might no.

[Badger] OK. So, I ken him. I dinnae ken him. I…I’d like to ken him. Or her? Can you say that for a lady?

[Gary] Aye, I think so. You could try it, General. You never know, I might just do that.

 ▽Gary Tank Commander IMDb
 ▽Scottish Online Dictionary
