The project hit the wall.
The project has reached the stage, which seems to be very difficult to overcome.2012-04-23 14:43:19
”The project hit the wall.”でも意味は通じると思いますが、ややスラング的な用法かもしれません。二つ目の英文のほうが良いと思いますが、下記の通り添削しました。
The project has reached the stage, which seems to be very difficult to overcome.
The project has reached the stage, which seems to be very difficult to overcome.
The project we are working on has reached the stage, which is very difficult to overcome.
“seems to”と言うと、何かオブラートに包んでいるように聞こえます。日本文は「壁にぶつかった」とはっきりと断言していますので、”seems to”を削除しました。