

単語の意味が直感的にわかるようになる方法~ピーター先生 (5分21秒)






When I learned English, I also learned Greek and Latin at the same class. OK. Let’s take here you have “dent”, means, “tooth”. So you have “dentist”. “ist” is a teacher. “ist” is a doctor. “Dentist”. “Dentist”. “Tooth”.


OK. If you take “mar”, “mar” means “sea”. So you have “submarine”,“underwater”. You have “mater”, “maternity”, “mother”. Then you have “mine”, “minimum”. These are all Latin. If you take “ped”, “ped” means, “foot”. So you have “peddle”. “Spectre” means to see or to look, so “inspect”. “Volve”, we have “revolve”, turning around. You have “in”, “im”, “il”, “ir”, “un”. It means “no”. So you have “convenient”, “inconvenient”. antonym. “Im”. “Possible” and “impossible”, not possible. “Ir”. “Regal” and “irregular”. “Ir” “regular”, “irregular”, not regular. “Interesting” and “uninteresting”, ”un”. So if you know some of these, English is very easy. All Romans languages come through Latin and Greek. So if you know certain Latin and Greek, you can speak German, French, Latin.

So you have “ist”, “ist”, “ist”, “ist”. OK? That means doctor. So you have “dermatology”. “Derma” means, “skin”. “Skin doctor.” “Opt”, eyes. Eye doctor. “Orthodontist”. “Ortho” means “straight”. “Don” means “teeth”, so make straight.

So you have “logy”, “logy”, “logy”, “logy”, means ”study of”, OK?. So you have “Egyptology”, “study of Egypt”. You have “geology”. “Geo” means “earth”, “study of earth”. “Horror” means “time”. “Study of clocks”, “horology”. “Psyche” is “mind”, “psychology”. “Vulcan”, “volcano”. “Seis”, “seism” means “movement”, so “earthquake”.

“Phobia” means “extreme fear,” “unusual fear”. So you have, “arco” like “Acropolis”. Acropolis, Greece. “Acropolis” is building. “Acro” means “high place”, so “acrophobia”. Fear of high places. So like you can not stand on a building to look down.

So you have “claustro” means “narrow”. So “claustrophobia” is fear of narrow places. “Pyro” means, “fire”. “Fear of fire”. “Xeno” means “foreign thing”, 外国. “Fear of foreign thing”, “xenophobia”. “Amne” means “memory.” So “amnesia”, “lost of memory”. “In”, “not”. “Somn”, “sleep”. Cannot sleep. “Insomnia”. “Somn” again means, “sleep”. “Ambular” means, “walk”. “Sleepwalk”. (Somnambular). “Pyro” fire. “Pyromania”, likes to make fire.

So you have here “tele” means “far-away”. So you have “phone” means “sound”. “Far-way sound”, “telephone”. “Television” means “see far-way things”. “Telescope”. “Scope” means “see”. “Thermo”, “thermostat”, “thermotactic”. “Thermo” means “heat”.

We have “chrome”, “chrome” means “colors”. So you have “monochrome”, one color. “Auto” means “self”, “automatic”, “by itself”.

I don’t understand, because in Australia, in school, all students, all schools, they teach like this, in America they don’t. I don’t know why. But having this, it’s easy to, if I see the words, I can guess, also for spelling and for pronunciation. And in engineering or science, we use a lot of Latin.
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