技術英語にはギリシャ語とラテン語を ピーター先生(小岩) ETCマンツーマン英会話

ピーター先生Q: 生まれ故郷の思い出についてお話しいただけますか?

I think it’s difficult, because I’ve lived 21 countries. And I was born in El Paso Texas. But I was only there 3 days and then to Mexico.

And then when I was 3, we lived in England. And then when 4, I lived in Scotland. Then we lived in Iceland. And then I was sent to Australia to learn English, because I could not speak English. After 10 months in Australia, I moved to Hawaii, and lived there for 1 year. First came to Japan was 1958. We had been here for tourists, when we lived in Philippine, because of my father work. Many countries, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, India, Pakistan, South Africa, Many countries. So that’s why I am saying it’s little difficult.

And then I was in a military school in Austria. After that, I came to the university here in Japan and I graduated the school in Philippines at international economic develop research university.

Q: なぜ英語の先生になられたのですか?

私が英語を教えていたほとんどの方は、大学教授でした。皆さん技術科学者で、とても興味深いものでした。英会話の勉強というよりも、国際学会に提出する論文を作成していました。これらの論文は、第一に英語で作成しなければならないこと、第二に日本の技術を英語に訳すことはとても難しいということ。日本語はやや漠然とした言葉なのです。そこで、技術的知識のバックグラウンドがあり、英語が話せる私が必要とされたのです。 In a most of people whom I taught were Japanese professors. So it was interesting to talk to. And the most of time with them, we were doing engineering. So it was not really English conversation, mainly we did proof reading, because they wanted to submit their research to international publications. So it has to be number 1 in English. And number 2, it has to be taking translating Japanese engineering into English is very difficult, because Japanese is little vague. They want somebody who of course speaks English, also has engineering background. So I can understand that.



The most important thing is to speak. Don’t worry about whether it is correct or not. It’s better speaking, like anything takes practice. So the more you speak, the faster you improve. If you were just thinking, thinking, thinking for the perfect sentence, you would never communicate. So I just say, just speak, doesn’t matter with the perfectly accrued or not, because outside of Japan, in most of countries, people don’t care. I mean you go to Europe, French and Germany, they don’t care of made a mistake or anything.

And same thing, I had to learn languages. The only language I learned officially by school was English. But I have to learn Spanish, Gaelic, Filipino and all this. I just say to them just speak as much you can, if it is a big mistake, I’ll correct it, but if it is a small mistake, I don’t want to break the conversation.

But also the other thing is that I ask them what is interested in. If it is interested in usually the more, the easier to speak, because they have interest. And I ask them to please don’t worry about grammar. Because in Australia, we only have 2 years for grammar. That’s it. Finished. I don’t know why so much grammar in Japan.

ギリシャ語とラテン語生徒さんによって、ギリシャ語とラテン語の勉強も同じレッスンの中で行っています。たとえば、dentは歯という意味、英語でdentistというと歯医者になります。Marは海という意味。英語では、Submarine(潜水艦)という単語がありますね。これらはすべてラテン語です。Peddは足、Peddleといいますね。 Spectreは見る。英語でInspector は検査官。In、im、il、ir、unはnoという意味。convenient と inconvenient、possible とimpossible、 regular と irregular、interesting と uninteresting。ラテン語とギリシャ語の幾つかを知っていると英語はとても簡単です。すべてのロマンス語は、ラテン語とギリシャ語から生れているのです。ですから、これらを知っていると、ドイツ語やフランス語も話せます。
Depend on person, I use this. I learned English, I also learned Greek and Latin at the same class. If you take any word that you know. Let’s take, here you have dent means tooth. So you have dentist is a doctor. If you take mar. means sea. So you have submarine. These are all Latin. If you take pedd, pedd means foot. So you have Peddle. Then you have “spectre” means to see or to look. Inspector. You have in im il ir un. It means no. You have convenient and inconvenient. Possible and impossible. Regular and irregular. Interesting and uninteresting. So if you know some of these, English is very easy. This is Latin and Greek. All Romans languages come through Latin and Greek. So if you know certain Latin and Greek, you can speak German, French.

Logy means study of. Egyptology is study of Egypt. You have geology. Geo means earth. Study of earth. Horror means time. Study of clocks, Horology. Psyche is mine, psychology.

phobia means extreme fear, unusual fear. So you have, Acro means high place, so acrophobia. Fear of high place. Claustro means narrow. Claustrophobia is fear of narrow places. In not. Somn sleep. Cannot sleep. Insomnia. Somn again means sleep. Ambular means walk. Sleepwalk. Somnambular. Pyro fire. Pyromania, likes to make fire.

In Australia, in school, all schools teach like this, in America they don’t. I don’t know why. But having this, it’s easy. If I see the words, I can guess and also for meaning and for spelling. And in engineering or science, we use a lot of Latin.

☆ピーター先生出演のRadioETC/Podcasting 単語の意味が直感的にわかるようになる方法
