“That’s one way of putting it”の意味は
“That’s one way of putting it”の意味は
Think we have a technical problem.
That’s one way of putting it.
さて、“That’s one way of putting it.”とはどのような意味なのでしょうか。
“That’s one way of putting it” means that there are many different ways of answering this, or giving the meaning of something, or explaining something, but the way you have explained is this one way and a little bit different way.
So in that case, we say “oh, that’s one way of putting it”.
So if you give me, a reason or explanation that I did not think about, then I would say “oh, that’s one way of putting it ”.
“Oh, I didn’t think of that”. “Oh, that’s one way of putting it”.
You could also say, “you are correct”, instead of “you are correct”. “You ARE correct”.
“That’s one way of putting it”.
put it
◆使用楽曲 (BGM)
“Movie Star * (The Making Of X) by Loveshadow
◆ポッドキャストのダウンロードや購読は、iTunes – Podcast – 「RadioETC」からも可能です。