context の意味は?

context の意味は?

ETCマンツーマン英会話海外の笑いを理解すること。これは、英語の学習でも最も難しいテーマなのかもしれません。そこで今回はカナダ出身のコメディアンDeAnne Smithさんのスタンドアップコメディを観ながら、パーカー先生(池袋)のレッスンを受けてみることにしました。


It is important to have fun in life. 
You never know what is going to happen, right.
I have a friend who died, water skiing suddenly.
Everybody said he died doing what he loved, he died doing what he loved.
And I didn’t know that well.
Because I didn’t realize that he loved, getting hit by a boat. Wao.
He died doing what he loved being all wrapped up in a propeller.
That Jim and his crazy hobbies.

I shouldn’t be allowed to say that, every once in a while, someone really does die doing exactly what they love.
But it’s in those moments, we never put it into the context, we’re never like,,, well,,,
“He died doing what he loved. heroin.”



We never think about the things.

We never think about the whole picture.

So It could be 文脈 or 本脈, but it is the surrounding circumstances.

So “put something into context” would be to think about everything else as well.

My friend works 70 hours a week, because he is planning for his future.

But he never puts it into context and thinks about his day to day life,

or Sometimes I feel like I eat too much chocolate, but then I put it into context and see I am not fat but many people are fat.





■カナダ出身の人気コメディアンDeAnne Smith
Official Site


◆使用楽曲 (BGM)
“Movie Star * (The Making Of X) by Loveshadow

◆ポッドキャストのダウンロードや購読は、iTunes – Podcast – 「RadioETC」からも可能です。
