come out の意味は?

come out の意味は?

130920海外の笑いを理解すること。これは、英語の学習でも最も難しいテーマなのかもしれません。そこで今回はカナダ出身のコメディアンDeAnne Smithさんのスタンドアップコメディを観ながら、パーカー先生(池袋)のレッスンを受けてみることにしました。


My parents, my parents are too cool with me being gay.
Oh, and that was me, coming out to you.
Most of you are on board.
I mean come on. Ah…

Some of you guys have questions or you’re a little shocked like, “oh, that little boy is a lesbian?”

That is the applause that hurts my feelings.

My mom, my mum is too cool, it’s uncomfortable.
Last time when I went home, she asked me if I was dating my friend Jess.
And I said “no”, because I’m not.
And them my mum answered, “Oh De, I can’t keep your friends straight”.
And she giggled for half an hour.

My dad’s no better.
He was in the living room watching TV and he calls me in like this.
“Hey De, Dallas Cowboy cheerleader tryouts are on
Come on. Come on.


But I went in,,, I went in.

So my dad and I were watching TV, kind of objectifying to find women together.
Um, my mum tried to come into the room.
And my dad said to her,
“Carrie, get out here. we’re having a father-lesbian bonding moment.

さて、come out とはどのような意味なのでしょうか。また、confessとは意味は違うのでしょうか。


It means my parents are OK with me being gay, but sometimes more than OK.
So they are going, they are making extra effort to help me, because I am gay.
So she said, “my parents are cool with me being gay”, it means in my parents’ opinion 私の両親の意見は問題ありません。
But “too cool” would mean they are doing too much to help.
They are accepting her too much, so it’s annoying.

“Too cool”, yeah.

“Come out” means to admit that you are gay for the first time.
So if your parents don’t know that you are gay, you come out to your parents.
And if your friends don’t know that you are gay, you can say, “I came out to my friends for the first time.”
We usually say “come out of the closet”, “I came out of the closet to my parents”.

So “confess” is more, it has negative meaning.
So you would say “自白”, which is like “a criminal confesses to a crime”,
whereas “come out”, we don’t think, is a bad thing.
So it is just “認める” instead of “自白”.
So “I admitted I am gay”.

Yeah, no in north america, very many gay people.


come out




■カナダ出身の人気コメディアンDeAnne Smith
Official Site


◆使用楽曲 (BGM)
“Movie Star * (The Making Of X) by Loveshadow

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