情報のフェアトレード~One Planet Cafe Zambia 特集(7)
ザンビアの人々にとって、そして日本の人々にとって価値のある情報をお互いに交換し合う。。これが、One Planet Cafe のコンセプトです。
・ペオ・エクベリ(Peo Ekberg)
環境コンサルタント、OneWorld Network代表、One Planet Cafeアドバイザー
アフリカの英語に触れる~Speaking English Around The World.
At the same time, Africa has got…many African countries haven’t got the infrastructure and system that we have,
like computers. I mean computers can open up a new world for you, right? A new window to a new world.
I mean, thanks to the Akihabara computers…We brought down two computers.
The Ladies in the villages now can find new jobs, and make a better life. So that is something we have to help each other with, right?
I think we have to learn many, many more things about Africa. And African have to learn many things from us.
But we have to help each other. It’s not like one way 支援, one way aid.
But it’s interchange, right?
We have to learn from each other, That’s what I feel when I am in Africa too