


120424.mp3 (5分26秒)



Yeah, Because you said, “Rechard”.

You’re using the…

It think about “Rechard”.

It’s not “Re”.

It’s “Ri”. “Richard”.

So the vowel…


It’s “i”, not “e”.

But in this case you are doing the soft one. “e”ね ”Rechard”.

So you are using this.

This is the soft vowel.

But “Richard” is quite 固い。 It’s quite strong hard word.


Yeah, the problem here is the R sound.

You are not using power.

Because R is also power sound.

So when we start the words, the teeth are close together.

“Richard” is very, start of syllable is very “R”, tight together.

And then the mouth opens quickly and the air pressure is coming out fast.




“Re” is your problem.

It is the R sound, because you are not using power.

I can hear it. It’s “Rechard”.

I can clearly see this is not “Richard”.

You are going more towards “recharging” your battery, “recharge”.

“Rich”, “Richard”.

If you think of the word “rich”. “Richard”.

Okey, Rich Richard.


This is the reason why I usually when I get the new student, maybe the second or the third lesson, I like to just spent some time, one or two lessons on pronunciation.

And that will help in many ways, because it’s improving the spelling.

Your spelling get better, because you don’t mix up the sound of the vowels.

You don’t end up the spelling “Richard” with an “e”.

You spell it with an “i”.

So quite often, Japanese people write my name with the “e” sound, “Rechard”.

Because they are hearing that way.



