企業ITのスペシャリスト ジョー先生(豊洲) ETCマンツーマン英会話


ETC英会話プライベートレッスン ジョー先生Q: 出身地はどちらですか?
Q: Where were you born?

A: 中西部で生れました。アメリカのほぼ中心にあるネブラスカ州です。ネブラスカはとても寒い場所です。
I was born in the midwest, almost the center of America I was born in a place called Nebraska, it’s very cold in Nebraska.

Q: 生まれ故郷についてもう少しお話しをお聞かせください。
Q: Please tell us a little bit about your hometown.

A: ネブラスカには18歳になるまで住んでいました。その後コロラド・スプリングに引っ越しました。コロラド・スプリングが私にとって本当の故郷です。コロラドはロッキー山脈で有名ですね。そこは高地で、日本と同じように温泉もあります。また、高地トレーニングのために多くのオリンピック選手がこの地を訪れます。いわゆる田舎町で、夜11時にお店などは閉まってしまいます。日の出も日の入りはとてもきれいですよ。私は東京では日の出も日の入りも見たことがありません。
After I was born, I lived in Nebraska for 18 years, I moved to Colorado Springs. So really my hometown is Colorado springs, Colorado is famous for the rocky mountains, and is very high in the air, We have hot springs also, the same as you have in Japan in Colorado springs. Colorado Springs is very clean and very good for training. We have many olympians to come and train in Colorado springs because of the thin air. So people can exercise. So it’s sort of a country town, at about 11 o’clock at night it closes, the town just closes up, OK but it’s very beautiful. the sun rise is beautiful, the sun set is beautiful. I never see sunrise and sun set in Tokyo.

ETC英会話プライベートレッスン ジョー先生Q: 日本滞在の目的は?
Q: What’s the purpose of your stay in Japan?

A: 現在、私はITの専門家として会計財務会社に務めています。同社のすべてのコンピュータを管理するのが私の仕事です。 The purpose now is I work for an accounting and finance agency as the IT specialist, so my purpose is to take care of all the computers in the accounting and finance agency.

Q: 英語教師としての経歴をお話ください 
Q:Would you tell me about your teaching background, teaching history?


A:私が最初に日本で英語を教えたのは、福生の床屋さんでした。友人が福生で床屋をやっていて、閉店後に彼の子ども達に英語を教えたのが、私の英語教師としての最初の仕事でした。 その後、八王子の英会話学校で働くこととなりました。同学校の校長は本当に英語教育のプロでした。新しい生徒にはまず彼が英語の基礎を教え、少し話せるようになったところでアメリカ人の先生が生徒を引き継ぐというものでした。そこで、個人向けの一対一のレッスンや、様々な企業で2、3人のグループにレッスンを行うことができたのは、私にとってとてもよい経験でした。現在のレッスンにも、その経験を活かしています。
The first time I taught English in Japan was at a barbershop in Fussa, that was my first teaching job. I was a friend of a barber and he had his family living in Fussa so I… my first teaching job was teaching his children English on the barber shop floor. He would close the barbershop and we’d have an English lesson inside the barber shop. But then I started working for a school in Hachioji, OK, and the schoolmaster was a real pro about teaching English. He had a very good system of teaching English so he gave me his system of teaching English where he took the new students and gave them basic English and then when they was able to speak a sentence in English he would give them to us Americans. I’ve worked in companies and I’ve worked in one-on-ones student, I’ve worked in companies and I’ve also worked in group lessons with 2 or 3 students at one time. So I think for me the variety of a company class and students one-on-one is really a great success for me because I have both environments, and I can bring both of them to the class room.

ETC英会話プライベートレッスン ジョー先生Q:日本人の生徒が抱える共通の問題点は何でしょうか?
Q: What are the common problems the Japanese students are facing?

最も大きな問題は、Peer Pressure (周囲/仲間からの圧力)だと思います。ですから生徒さんが私のクラスに来たら、私は彼らをできるだけその仲間から切り離します。そして、周りを気にせずに質問ができ、オープンに意見を言うことができる環境を作ります。私は日本人の方々の意見を行くの大好きです。

I think their biggest problem as far as I am concerned is peer pressure. When they come to my class room I try to separate them from their peers. They are individuals. They come to me, they should ask questions, they should be open and be opinionated, give their opinions. I love to have Japanese give me their opinions.
So I think the biggest draw back for Japanese students right now is the peer pressure, they are receiving from others, and their fathers, the mothers, the society. And if I can bring them to this room and cut off the peer pressure from outside and open them up, I think they’ll learn English much faster.

Q: Peer pressureとはどういう意味ですか
Q: Could you explain to me what does peer pressure mean?

Peer Pressureとは、とたえば同じ年齢の生徒が同じクラスになった場合、そのうちの一人がリーダーとなると、他の生徒はフォローワー(従属者)となり、そのグループの一員になりたいと思うばかりに、そのグループに属する仲間からの圧力を感じ、生徒さん自身の正確を変えてしまうのです。Peersは同年齢、同じグループという意味です。
OK, peer pressure is when you have a group of students in the same age, the same class. One student is the leader and the other students are pretty much the followers, so the followers want to feel like they are part of the group, so they’ll change their personality to the peer pressure of their peers. Peers is same age, same group. The company has the same thing in Japan.

Q: ヒアリングとスピーキング能力をつけるためにアドバイスをいただけますか。
Q: Please give me your advice how we can improve our hearing and speaking abilities.

ヒヤリングは一部の生徒さんにとっては大きな課題のようですね。 私がほとんどの生徒さんに勧めているのは、何でもかまいませんの自宅で大きな声を出して読むことです。これには三つの効果があります。スピーキング力、リスニング力 そして読解力のアップです。大きな声を出すことが大切です。黙読では効果はありません。大きな声を出して読み、その自分の声を聞く。自分の声が聞こえるようになると、それは自信に繋がってきます。
OK, hearing seems to be a big problem for some students. So what I recommend for most students is to read something aloud at home, read something aloud. this gives them practice speaking, gives them practice listening to their own voice, OK, so it provides three things: speaking, listening and comprehending. Because when you read something, you comprehend it. So I think for speaking and hearing, to practice at home or in a quiet place, reading aloud, aloud is very important, don’t read silently, read aloud so you hear your own voice. And once you hear your own voice, you have a raise in confidence too, your confidence is increased,

ETC英会話プライベートレッスン ジョー先生Q: 生徒さんからの希望でレッスンをカスタマイズされたことはありますか。
Q: Have you ever customized lessons to the student’s needs. if yes, please tell us an example of such a lesson.

私の最初のレッスンでは、生徒さんの英語能力の確認をしています。次に「何故英語を学びたいのか」その目的を尋ねます。英語を話す人々と話しがしたいから、これが最も一般的ですね。また、ある生徒さんは仕事のため、ある生徒さんは来週アメリカに行くから。えっ、来週ですか?(笑) 一週間で英語は学べませんよ。みなさん様々な理由がありますが、生徒さんのその目的が何より大切です。目的が何であれ、私のレッスンも同じ目的を共有して行われます。
For my first few lessons I am actually testing or reviewing the student’s capability, ability. Then I ask the students, “why do you want to study English?”, and of course many students say I want to talk to English speaking people, conversation. That’s the most common one. Some people say I want to learn English for business. some people say I want to learn English because I am going to America next week. What do you mean next week? (Laughing) You can’t learn English in one week. Some students have different reasons. I do have some students that want to learn English because of their career for like college or university, OK, so what I do is I customize all my lessons to suit the student. The student’s purpose is most important. Whatever the student’s purpose is, my purpose is the same.

But some students surprise me. some students have a very basic understanding of English and we just need to work on the confidence, the confidence level. Many students need confidence, I mean it is like a pump. pump up their confidence, OK. like a balloon when they come to me they have very little confidence and I just pump, pump, pump, pump, pump their confidence up. That’s what I try to do.
