映画『Catch A Fire』(輝く夜明けに向かって)でアフリカ英語

catch_a_fire_xlg 一方向からのものの見方ではなく、複数の視点を持つこと。物事の本質に迫るためには、とても大切なことではないでしょうか。私たちが学ぶ外国語も、様々な人々の考え知るための貴重なツールに違いありません。

映画『Catch A Fire』の舞台は南アフリカ。それまで、政治には全く関心のなかった主人公のパトリック・チャムーソ(Patrick Chamusso)が、無実の罪で逮捕され厳しい拷問を伴う尋問を受けけます。釈放後、チャムーソは自ら志願してANC(アフリカ民族会議)の闘士となるという実話です。

オーストラリア人監督のフィリップ・ノイス(Phillip Noyce)は、自ら9.11のニューヨークに偶然居合わせた体験を踏まえて、とても興味深い解説をしています。

Naturally, our first thoughts were for the mothers and the fathers, the brothers and the sisters, the sons and the daughters, who were killed in that horrific attack.

But over the next few days I had a lot of time to think.
I was holed up in my my hotel room because we couldn’t really leave Manhattan.
And one’s thoughts started to drift towards the perpetrators,
those fanatical men who felt that there was no other way to express themselves than to give up their lives making that attack.

And throughout all this, I kept thinking again, “What about those guys in those planes?”
Not thinking with sympathy,  but rather just following a military adage that I remember from, but rather just following a military adage that I remember from, I guess, when I was training as a soldier at high school in the 1960s.


And the adage went something like, “If you want to defeat your enemy, you’ve got to know them.”
So it always occurred to me that if we were going to defeat terrorism, the only way was to get an understanding of the terrorist mind.

チャムーソを残忍な方法で拷問し、追い詰めてゆく公安を警察を演じたティム・ロビンス(Tim Robbins)は、役造りの為に南アフリカの歴史を学び、さらに実際に警官だった人々に会い彼らについて理解を深めたのでした。

If you compound that with being a police officer in South Africa, where you have the state essentially throwing out the rule of law,  throwing out due process, encouraging its employees to engage in torture in order to exact confessions or get information about their enemy, the ANC, you’er asking them to compromise themselves morally.

You can’t torture a person and walk out of that room with a clean soul. It’s just impossible.

And having to shoulder this burden in secret.
They couldn’t seek out psychiatric help, they couldn’t go home to their wives and talk about this stuff. This was all a secret amongst brothers.

And I asked some of them, “If you know things were wrong, why didn’t you leave?”
And they said, “Well, we were at war and we couldn’t leave.
“To leave would be to go AWOL to bring shame upon your family,
“and to abandon your country completely.”
They said, “We would not have been able to work in this country again, if w were to quit our jobs as officers.”

Meeting them now, in retrospect, you know, I looked into the eyes of many of these middle-aged men, who had shouldered this burden for so many years, who, when apartheid fell, when the women learned of what there people were doing, many divorces happened, found respite in alcoholism and self-hatred.

Worst of all, they were the ones that were considered by society at large, and the world at large, as the bad guys, when in fact the people that were in levels of the government that were encouraging this behavior did not have to go before Truth and Reconciliation Commission, retired in mansions with large pensions, and one of them even won the Novel Peace Prize.

There’s a great bitterness in these people towards their lot in life, how they were abandoned by their own government, and how they ha trough their sense of duty, compromised themselves morally.


釈放されたパトリック・チャムーソは、新しい妻と結婚をし二人の子供に恵まれます。その後、ネルスプルイトに引越し、AIDSで親をなくした子供たちのために孤児院を始めます。映画で90人あまりの孤児を保護し育ているとのこと。Ted Japanでのビデオ出演で、震災後の日本にエールを送ってくれています。

☆関連リンク パトリック・チャムーソが運営する孤児院。 Two Sisters

