ドキュメンタリー、Hawaii’s Last Queen(ハワイ最後の女王)を観ながらハワイ出身のETCマンツーマン英会話のビル先生(新高円寺)のレッスンを受けています。
さて、versed とはどのような意味なのでしょうか。
“Versed ” means capable, or knowledgeable in, have a very deep knowledge of something.
“I am not very well versed in Japanese”, means I can’t speak Japanese that great, that well. “She is well versed in the way men behave”, meaning she understands completely men’s actions. She knows about men, men’s style and their thinking.
Q She has some experiences. Yes, she is experienced. She has a lot of experience in men’s behavior, how men treat women, or how men act in a certain situation.
Q Is the word used in an oral conversation? Not in an everyday conversation, maybe in a college setting. If you are in a college class, because this is a kind of complicated. I mean, again, “she knows how men are” would be a simple way to say. “She knows how men are”. “She is well versed in the way men behave.” It’s just a little bit more.
I am not very well versed in Japanese.
She is well versed in the way men behave.
◆使用楽曲 (BGM)
Johnny Nobles Hawaiians – Hawaiian Hula Melody
◆ポッドキャストのダウンロードや購読は、iTunes – Podcast – 「RadioETC」からも可能です。
ハワイ王朝最後の女王 (猿谷要 著)
ハワイイ紀行 完全版 (池澤夏樹 著)