英語のプレゼンでは最初にインパクトを トレントン先生(木場) ETCマンツーマン英会話


ETCマンツーマン英会話Q: お生まれはどちらですか?

I was born in New Orleans, Louisiana. New Orleans is a lovely place. We have a lot of festivals, like a Jazz festival and a carnival. It is very fun and exciting to grow up there. I have a lot of good memories.

Q: ご両親は今もニューオリンズにお住まいですか?

Yes, they are. Their house was destroyed in Hurricane Catalina. So they moved away, but then came back. And they rebuilt their house in the same place. I have 2 younger brothers and they live in Louisiana too.

Q: 米国外で生活をされた経験もお持ちなのですね

I have lived in France for about a year during a college, and then I have lived in England for 3 years for a graduate school. I am almost kind of bilingual in French.

Q:  来日されたのはどのような目的だったのですか。

I have been here for 5 years. I originally came to be a teacher. And I worked at a conversation school for about a year, and then I worked at an elementary school for a year. I have been working business English since then.


トレントン先生 マンツーマンETC英会話

Q:  現在は主にどのようなお仕事をされているのでしょうか。

My main occupation is writing. I am a freelance writer and journalist. I write about arts and culture, like movies, theater, restaurants and things like that, for magazines and newspapers: “Metropolitan” webs, “Daily Yomiuri” or “Japan Times”, that kind of thing.

Q:  日本人の方は実際に海外に行くと、ネイティブスピーカーの英語が理解できずに苦労する場合が多いようです。日常的に英会話を学べる良い方法はないでしょうか。

I think they need experience with a native speaker. So I think either they need to take lessons with the native speaker or they need to make friends with native speakers and then just to have usual conversations and get used to their casual English. And I also think movies and TV are good for learning natural English, especially for listening. They watch the news or they watch a movie or TV show in English.


新作ですが『ザ・タウン』という映画が気に入っています。ベン・アフレックが主演兼監督も努めています。 I like a movie called “The Town”. It is a new one. Ben Affleck, he was acting a movie and directing. He is a director now too. That is very good.

Q: 生徒さん毎にマンツーマン・レッスンのカスタマイズされているとお聞きしました。具体的にはどのような事例がありますか。

I have done a lot, because mostly I did with business people. So different companies have different meanings. I have taught at Goldman Sachs, and it is mostly about financial language like stock markets. Or some companies have individual students, they want to do presentation. So I had to help their presentation. Or some students are traveling abroad, so I had to help them with travel English. I had students that are going for a job interview in English and they need help for preparing for the interview. I just had a lot of different situation that I had to.

トレントン先生 マンツーマンETC英会話Q: 例えばプレゼンテーションに関してはどのようなレッスンをされているのでしょうか。

English presentations are very different than Japanese. For example, usually at the beginning of English presentation, we are going to tell a joke or we are going to show something like a funny picture, or doing something like big with impact at the beginning to get people’s attention. And also in English presentations, we like to engage the audience. So we like to ask the audience the question directly during the presentation and make sure they are paying attention. That’s just different style than Japanese.
