マーケティングの実務経験をレッスンに活かして エマ先生(六本木) ETCマンツーマン英会話

エマ先生(広尾) マンツーマンETC英会話プライベートレッスン(*)しばらくの間、新規生徒の受付けを停止しています。あしからずご了承下さい。

Q お生まれはどちらですか

I was born in Sydney, Australia. Today it is an international city, but when I was growing up, this was not the case. Sydney is a beautiful place to live. There are a lot of beautiful beaches, like Bondi beach.

Q 今までにどのようなお仕事を経験されたのでしょうか

直近では、ジョンソン& ジョンソンでマーケティングの仕事をしていました。医療機器を取り扱う会社です。米国の企業ですが世界中で事業を展開しており、私は外科用の機器を担当していました。実は2000年と2006年に出張で来日したことがあります。日本の外科医とオーストラリアのチームとのジョイントプロジェクトでした。
Most recently I was working in marketing for Johnson & Johnson Medical, a medical device company. It’s an American company, but they have operations all over the world. I worked in the area of surgical devices. I actually did a business trip to Tokyo, in mid 2006, which was very interesting. I met some Japanese surgeons. We shared ‘best practices’ from Australia with the Japanese team and learnt about ‘best practices’ in Japan.

Before that, I did my MBA at London Business School. It was a very challenging program, but fabulous, really amazing. I learnt a lot and met some great people.

Q 英語教育に携わった経験はありますか?

I’ve been in a teaching position, but I have not taught English before. So, that’s new to me. But whilst I did my MBA, I was a tutor in the finance department for the students that were new to finance. 
Also when I was at university, I coached high school students in maths and science.


エマ先生(広尾) マンツーマンETC英会話プライベートレッスンビジネスの世界においては、教育がとても重要で、労力がかかります。ジョンソン&ジョンソン時代は、販売員を教育することが私の役割のひとつでした。マーケティングの仕事は、外科のニーズ、製品やその機能よく理解し、マーケティングのための資料を用意しなければなりませんが、それと同時に販売員がそれらの事柄を本当に理解し販売できるように、彼らの教育も不可欠です。そして、この教育訓練に関するスキルは、ロールプレーの作成など、英語教育に必要とされるスキルにとても似ているのです。
Coaching is an important but challenging aspect of doing business. When I was working for Johnson & Johnson an important part of my role was training the sales force. To convince a hospital to buy your product, you must understand the needs of the surgeons and what the product features are. I needed to prepare the marketing materials, but also train the sales force, so they really understood how to demonstrate and sell the products. So in some ways that is quite a similar skill set to teaching English, because you are often role-playing conversations and learning new vocabulary.

Q マンツーマン・レッスンの生徒さん用に作成されているロールプレーが本格的なのは、その理由からですね。

For instance, this is what I have done for the student coming today. I prepared and sent this to her in advance. Now we can talk through it during the lesson and she can ask me questions about anything she does not understand. She said that she mostly uses English when she’s going out for dinner with her husband’s customers who visit Japan from overseas. So I thought, let’s make a more real situation.

エマ先生(広尾) マンツーマンETC英会話プライベートレッスン


場面: あなたはレストランで大切なお客様を接待しています。東京の日本食レストランでメニューはすべて日本語で書かれています。お客様には何を注文してさしあげたらよいかを知るために、お食事の好み(好き嫌い、アレルギーの有無等)を知りたいと思っています。あなたは、ぜひお客様に心地よく食事を楽しんでほしいと思っています。

会話1 お客様はリラックスされていて、食事に関してもいろいろなものにトライしてみたいと思っています。 今晩は何を召し上がりたいですか?食べられないものなどはありますか?(後略)」)

「Example dialogues for role-playing exercise Situation: You are entertaining an important client in a restaurant in Tokyo, which serves traditional Japanese food, and the menu is only written in Japanese. You would like to understand your guest’s food preferences (like, dislikes and any allergies etc) so that you know what to order for them. You would like to make sure they feel comfortable and that they enjoy their meal.

Dialogue 1. The client is relaxed and open-minded about food What do you feel like eating tonight? Is there anything you can not eat? (後略)」


So one of my goals is to make the lessons relevant to how the students really want to use their English. So it’s interesting, and they can get their confidence up to use it. I would like to build up good resource kits for the students.



I think it’s hard for younger people in companies, because the older management might be set in their ways of “this is how we do things” and “we have a process in our business”. Young people may have new ideas and new energy and want to try new things or think “we can do this differently”. But they’re so often just told, “no”, “no”, “no”. I think they can feel defeated and begin to give up making new suggestions.

Q: そのような状況を打破するためにはどうしたらよいのでしょうか?

I guess it’s aligning yourself with people that will support you, finding a mentor, someone you can talk to. Maybe it is someone who is from overseas or someone who has been overseas, or just someone who is thinking differently. You need to find someone that you can believe in. Ask them to talk to you once a month, to make time to have a coffee and say, “Please, these are challenges that I am facing. In my role, do you have any advice for me?”

アドバイスしたいと思っている人は多いと思います。そのような方々のアドバイスから、経営者層が今どのような状況にあるのか理解するためのヒントのようなのが得られるでしょう。 私自身も人生の様々なステージにおいて、メンターに助けられてきました。皆さんにもぜひメンターを持ってみてはいかがでしょうか。
I think a lot of people like to be asked for advice. Maybe you will find someone, or a couple of people that will make the time to give you their insights into what’s going on in the senior ranks. At various stages of my life, I have had mentors that have been very helpful for me. I think everyone can benefit from that.

