

ETCマンツーマン英会話  「英語に訳せそうで訳せない日本語というテーマでETC英会話のナオミ先生(荻窪)のレッスンを受けています。





You know, when you first hear the word “だらしない”, you think of a very lazy person, who doesn’t want to clean his room or do anything.
So this “だらしない” in this sentence, it says “野党がだらしない”.
I used to hear this, I thought hmm, hmm.
But when you think of translating this, oh this was a very tricky one too.
Because “だらしない” seems to like “they don’t clean their desks in the office or something”.
But it is not like this.
So this “だらしない” is quite different from the “だらしない” that we use.
But I was thinking about this.
And maybe “carelessness” is “they are not careful in doing things” or like “bad disciplines ” as you wrote.
So I made it this way.
Due to their carelessness of the opposition parties, it is not right”, more conversational.
Or “Due to bad disciplines of the opposition parties, it is not right”.
So “いけない” was another one that I thought.
It means “だめ”.
So “だらしないからだめです” is the same thing.
“いけない”, that’s a funny Japanese, I thought.
“いけない” I would think “I can’t go anywhere”.
So this “いけない” means “だめ”.
I thought “いけない” would be too hard and maybe too strong.
So I made it “it is not right”.
Also you say “wrong”, but it seems little too strong was my image.
So I made it “it is not right”.
It was really difficult.
This “だらしない” is a real Japanese type of a word, which is really hard to translate. Yes, yes.
I think there is no one word to explain it.
So maybe you have to say “what they have not been doing this”, “they haven’t been doing this”, “they haven’t been doing this”.
This is the only thing you can say it probably.
This “だらしない” is probably difficult to translate in one or two words, I think.


the opposition parties 野党
carelessness 油断,軽率さ
disciplines 規律,統制




◆使用楽曲 (BGM)
“Movie Star * (The Making Of X) by Loveshadow

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