時刻を聞くときに”What time is it now?”とは言わない?

時刻を聞くときに”What time is it now?”とは言わない?




■出演 ・カーラ先生(ETCマンツーマン英会話)

■聞き手 ・青樹洋文



(David A.Thayne、小池信孝 著、主婦の友社 刊) 

番組 Transcript

(※ 出演者が話した言葉をそのままテキストにして掲載しています。)

Yeah, it’s better to say “do you have the time?” I think so.

Q. If I say “what time is it now?” how does it sound like?

“What time is it now? “ It doesn’t sound bad. I think none of these ones in general are bad mistake. But it just doesn’t sound native speaker. So, you know, it more like you are just そのまま translating form English or form the Japanese to the English.

No. If you say “do you have time?” then it has such meaning.

Q: Which one?

Do you have time? Without “the”. So “do you have time now?” Maybe this is like “Are you free?” All right? But if you say “do you have the time?” it’s different. It’s “the”. If you say “do you have the time?” meaning, “what time is it now? ”, but if you say “do you have time?” meaning maybe “Can you help me with something I need to ask you?” or “Can we talk about something?”.

Article. Yes, it’s very important not to forget about that. You could say also “Do you have time to help me to do this and this”. But it’s a different thing.

But otherwise if you say “Do you have the time? ”, then the answer will be “Well It is now 7 o’clock.” or ”It is 12 o’clock”.
