ネイティブは”How are you?”とは言わない?

ネイティブは”How are you?”とは言わない?

090226こんにちは、調子はどうですか?おそらく英語の授業で最初に習う表現ではないでしょうか。でも、『その英語、ネイティブにはこう聞こえます』(David A.Thayne、小池信孝 著、主婦の友社 刊)によると、これはネイティブ・スピーカーの間ではあまり使われない表現とのこと。本当にそうなのでしょうか。ETCのカーラ先生に聞いてみました。


■出演 ・カーラ先生(ETCマンツーマン英会話)

■聞き手 ・青樹洋文



(David A.Thayne、小池信孝 著、主婦の友社 刊) 

番組 Transcript

(※ 出演者が話した言葉をそのままテキストにして掲載しています。)
Yes, it is a little bit old fashion. “Hi, how are you doing?” is more nowadays, casual also, friendly.

Q: native speakers don’t say, “How are you?”

No, not necessary. If you know each other, no. Specially you sound more friendly If you say “How are you doing?”

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Well I mean the solution is just practice really. Practice! Practice! Practice! Hear! Hear! Hear! You know, listen, hearing, practice. You don’t have to sound exactly as native speaker. But if you hear the way they talk or the way you say the things, you just do the same. And it will be the one day, you don’t think about it. You don’t even notice that you are actually talking correctly or right way.

But don’t focus too much on the right way. I mean there are many kinds of situations, many kinds of types of people you are talking to. So you gotta be careful because maybe you think “OK, I always have to say this, I have to say this”. You have to be flexible.

OK.? Now you know that some of the ways you have answered is not correct. It’s not totally wrong but it’s not correct. So then you understand and then you change it. But another situation you can still use that. So you got to be careful about that. Be flexible. So you just have to say OK I have to be a little bit careful if I am using it all the time this. Maybe I am talking in a different atmosphere with the business or with the friends. Then I will sound also funny. Because you too much of copying as it is.
