I have read SEISHONAGON’s pillow book. but Seishonagon is more like real reality of her time. I understand that Seishonagon was a daughter of famous Waka poet. Her poetry is quite interesting too, but I think her age over 30 she wrote something “time has passed and age has come my way. But only I need look at this flower for all my cares to fade away”, which means these days even in Japan, age 30 is a peak of woman’s beauty. She is beauty that’s beautiful. But in those days, I think 30-year-old woman was like old woman, so like OBASAN. Times change.
■出演 ・マンツーマンETC英会話 チャールズ先生
■聞き手 ・福本哲也(ETC英会話 代表) ・青樹洋文
◆使用楽曲 (BGM)
“Toxic Rainfall” of some1else from ccMixter