映画『ポビーとディンガン』でオーストラリア英語に挑戦(2) – マンツーマンで指導

映画『ボビーとディンガン』(原題:Opal Dream)を見ながら、オーストラリア英語に触れてみましょう。舞台は南オーストラリア州のクーバーペディ(Coober Pedy)。

▽『Opal Dream』予告編



Nichols: Mr. Williamson, can you show us how you looked for them?

Rex Williamson: What?

Nichols: I’m just intrigued at a man looks for imaginary people.
Would you mind standing and showing the court how you did it?

Judge McNulty: Please!

Rex Williamson: Well, I don’t know. I was umn,
I was out there? I was looking… I was looking look like this, as you do.
I was yelling out “Pobby? Dingan? Ya, fellows?”

Nichols: This is your defence?

Rex Williamson: It’s the truth.

Humph: So, I ah, it sounds like…

Nichols: Hang on. You can do that. Objection, your honour.

Judge McNulty: Why?

Nichols: He’s pacing. Can’t pace.

Humph: It is OK if I just walk up and down a little bit.

Nichols: Well, he’s badgering the witness.

Judge McNulty: Yeah, well it’s his client.

The public: Come on. Get on it. If he doesn’t know the rules he shouldn’t be here.

Judge McNulty: Over ruled. Thank you Mr.Nichols.

Humph: So ummn… These imaginary friends, they are pretty real for Kellyanne.

Rex Williamson: Oh yeah, totally. She’d talk to them.
She’d play with them all the time like they were real people.
The missus would even lay places at the table for them.
They kind of became part of the family.

Humph: So for Kellyanne, they are real?

Rex Williamson: Sure, were.

Humph: For you?

Rex Williamson: Well, In a way, yeah.

Humph: Real enough for you to go to Sid’s claim looking for them?


Rex Williamson: Yes.

Humph: Yeah. Right. We call Vera Dunkley.

Vera Dunkley: Yeah, she’d bring them into the shop to show her mum those who went everywhere with her.

Humph: Did you talk ‘em?

Vera Dunkley: Yeah. I’d gave ‘em lollypops, cherry for Dingan and blueberry for Pobby.
Well, she loved it. She is just a kid.

Humph: Did she bring them to school?

Lisa Flanagan: Sometimes. She’d even talk them in class.

Humph: How would you describe Kellyanne’s nature ?

Lisa Flanagan: She is a lovely girl, vivid imagination, dreamer.

Humph: Did she have any friends?

Lisa Flanagan: Not really. I don’t think she find people very easy.

Humph:So umm… How’s Kellyanne’s health been since the night in question?

Jack the Quack: Yeah, no. Not good. Steady decline really, vomiting, sleeplessness, fever.
She’s lost a lot of weight, phobaphobic, hardly speaks, anxious…
She is in the hospital now.

Humph: Hospital?

Jack the Quack: Yeah, that’s right. We’d get her in and try to stabilize her condition, keep on eye on her.

Humph: In your opinion, has the negative attitude of town toward Kellyanne’s family contributed to this decline in Kellyanne’s health?

Jack the Quack: Yeah. I think it has. Yes.

☆ ☆ ☆

Judge McNulty: I will get straight to the point. This court finds the defendant innocent to all charges.

Nichols: What?

Humph: That’s great

Judge McNulty: It is clear that Mr.Williamson was on trying to help his daughter, and what was nothing but minor as in not a major offence.
A scuffle between two men, and then unfortunately a minor injury has been blown out of all proportions by Mr.Fraser.

Sid: What would you know?

The public: Go back home you city slicker.

Jack the Quack: Pull your head in Ronnie, you clown.

Judge McNulty: Other members of this community have been easily turned against the Williamson.
This animosity has had the most detrimental effect upon the family, on particularly young Kellyanne.



city slicker
都会者 (派手の服装をし都会ぶる人)

pull your head [neck, scone] in !
人のおせっかいをするな!(mind your own business !)

ばか (fool)

『オーストラリア英語辞典』(森本勉 編/大修館書店)
