カナダとアメリカの違い ~ロブ先生

カナダとアメリカの違い ~ロブ先生


マイケル・ムーアー監督の映画『ボウリング・フォー・コロンバイン』では、カナダは、アメリカと比べて安全な国として描かれていました。原因はアメリカのfear tactics、いわゆる恐怖戦略にあるとのこと。先生のお話しは、この映画のお話しから発展してある俳優の話題に及びます。

番組 Transcript

America is uh… from, not from mine, but from but Michael Moore saying is that fear is the cause of America’s problem. For example, if you have a gun, I have to have a gun. Evenね. So also from racism and just also media, media put a lot of potential fear. This is called fear tactics. That’s very little in Japan. But in America, everything is fear tactics. Everything is fear. Like there’s Terrorist! Terrorist! Terrorist! Buy! Buy! Terrorist! So they used to fear to scare people to buy. This is a premise, Michael Moore’s video. In Canada we don’t really push fear. So the doors are locked open, just safe. Even you lock the door, they can still get in. I mean it’s not really, you don’t need a gun. Canadian just, all Canadians fight, but we also end it, no murder, same as in Japan. People fight in Japan. But there’s none of as much as fear tactics.

And bald guys for a KATSURA, If you are bald, you don’t have KATSURA, nobody gonna like you. So all these guys feel 恥ずかしい。It looks like a dead animal. 死んじゃった。It really works. Be bald! That’s great. That’s perfect. It’s personality matters. You know Patrick Stewart? Patrick Stewart. He is a Shakespeare actor. He was in Start Trek. He is very good. He is very bald, like bald. But he is very sexy, one of the sexiest guy in America, because his attitude. It’s not as looks. Looks are so important, also as attitude. So, being bald doesn’t necessarily mean that you are ugly. Attitude, that makes you ugly usually, I think.


■出演 ・マンツーマンETC英会話 ロブ先生

■聞き手 ・青樹洋文

◆使用楽曲 (BGM)
“Toxic Rainfall” of some1else from ccMixter
