

ETCマンツーマン英会話 「英語に訳せそうで訳せない日本語というテーマでETC英会話のナオミ先生(荻窪)のレッスンを受けています。







Before speaking, it is necessary to put your thoughts together” or “it is necessary to put your opinions together”.
“Put together” would be a better one, I thought. Yes.

Q “speak”と”talk”はどういうふうに違うんですか?

Well, “talk” is like “しゃべる”, more like “しゃべる”.
“Speak” is “話す” maybe.
So you can use it for like “I have to speak with the president today”.
You won’t say “talk”, maybe.
So “speak” is “話す”.
“話す” is, my image is, the better word than “しゃべる”.
“しゃべる” is more like with your friends.
But “話す”, you can use it for anyone.
So it’s very close.



It’s polite. It’s the better word, yes.
“Talking”, you might be just talking about stupid things too, like “oh, that hat is odd” like that.
When you speak, maybe something more like maybe you talk about politics or something.
Not that much.
“Speak to your mother in law” or something like that.
So it’s about the same.
Well, I think it’s about the same as “しゃべる” and “話す”.

Q another “まとめる”は、”彼は荷物をまとめて出て行った”

Oh yes, yes, this one.
So my imagination is maybe he had the fight with his wife, maybe.
And he decided to leave the house, run away from home, I thought so.
I thought so there are a lot of ways of saying this too.
I thought “he packed his luggage”, “he packed his suitcase”.
And if you say “went out”, maybe he could just go out in the yard, and look at the stars or something.
Maybe he’s still outside.
But it’s maybe better to say “he left”.
If you say “he left”, he is no longer around that area.
So “left” might be a better word.
So what did I say, “he packed his luggage (or suitcase) and left”.
Another one is, my image was maybe kind of I imagined that he was putting his like socks and clothes and underwear, all the things up.
Then I thought “he gathered his belongings together and left”.
So that would be more you can probably imagine him, putting toothbrushes, and maybe his shaving things, and his clothes and underwear.
So this one you can probably imagine more clearly what he did.
Whereas this other one you can’t really imagine what he packed.


put together  〈考えなどを〉まとめる
belongings 身の回り; 所持品; 携帯品




◆使用楽曲 (BGM)
“Movie Star * (The Making Of X) by Loveshadow

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