大使館員宅で国内留学 シェイリン先生(米国在住) ETCマンツーマン英会話


ETCマンツーマン英会話 シェイリン先生(港区)Q:和太鼓を演奏されるそうですね。米国にいらした時から和太鼓をご存知だったのですか?


No. No. I heard it here at the friendship day that is a kind of a big party of the year. And I heard this booming of drums. I went looking and I find them paying and I just thought oh, wow. I got to learn how to do that. You know, traditional Japanese music usually here, uhm, and it’s peaceful. Japanese music is peaceful to me compare to other music.




She has a certain degree and a national cuisine. And she travels to different country and tries foods and introduces Japanese foods to other countries. Then she just wants to keep up her English, because she works for full time job on top of going school and end another degree. And she just will get to chances to speak English all regular bases. So we go out, the past lessons were very nice outside. So we just walked and looked at SAKURA blossom and just talking, talk about everything that we saw.

ETCマンツーマン英会話 シェイリン先生(港区)テキストも用意していますが、生徒さんたちは皆会話形式のレッスンを希望されました。机に坐ってお互いに顔を見合わせているよりも、外に出た方が変化に富み、話題に事欠きません。生徒さんもレッスンに来るのが楽しみになるのではないでしょうか。通りを歩いている人のことだったり、犬や変わった帽子のことだったり。「あれを見て!今まで見たこと在る?」「あのレストランに行ったことありますか?おいしいって評判ですよ」などなど。なによりも、生徒さん自身が、何をしたいかを理解しているとはとても大切なことですね。

I introduced the textbooks, and they did not want. They wanted just regular conversational English. And so that’s why I am doing. I am kind of making. As we are walking, we are seeing different things in it and it’s introducing other things to talk about, rather than just sitting on the table looking at each other. And so I tried to make things kind of come to us easier. And so only we see someone walking down streets or maybe dogs or funny hats, something we can talk. “Oh, you know. Look at that! Have you seen that?” or “Have you been to the restaurants? Do you know it’s good?” And it worked out. So my students are very figured out really what they want. So that’s great thing for teacher to know.


Any languages, learning with just textbook is very, very hard. If you can think of things I don’t remember learning language before, you can make some thing remember, if she would do a gesture every time she said the word, that word sticks. And even though when I took my Japanese lesson.

ETCマンツーマン英会話 シェイリン先生(港区)g今朝のことです。ある日本人のお母さんが嘆いていました。自分の娘は女の子らしい服を着たがらずに、そこら中を飛び回り、暴れまわってばかりいると。私は「娘さんはTomboyですね」と言いったのですが、お母さんはその意味がわかりませんでした。そこでは私は男の子の様に動いてみせて、引っかき傷や青あざを作るジェスチャーをして見ました。TomはThomas、男の子の名前。Boyは女の子なのに、男の子のように振舞うこと。お母さんは、「そう、そう、そう」と言い、スペルを確認すると「My daughter is a Tomboy.(私の娘はおてんば娘)」と言ったのです。その通りです。私もおてんば娘でしたけど。

You know, just this morning, we were working to preschool, one of the mothers was compiling, kind of, I mean just like, “Uh my daughter, she doesn’t want to dress and tight and beautiful. And she’s jumping around and paddles and everything. So I said “Oh, she’s a tomboy.” And she didn’t know that word meant. So I kind of acted like this. Tomboy like, Tom like a boy. Tom is Thomas, boy’s name. And a boy is meaning she acts like a boy. And so I acted like a boy, and you know, “bruises and scratches.” And she said “yes, yes, yes.” Then I said “tomboy”. She asked how to spell it and “Oh, my daughter is a tomboy”. That’s right. So was I.


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シェイリン先生は震災以来、国外避難もせず数多くのボランティア活動を精力的にこなされ多くの避難者の方に元気をもたらしてくださいました。 この場を借りて再度シェイリン先生に深く御礼申し上げたいと思います。

