


David A.Thayneさんの『その英語、ネイティブにはこう聞こえます』からこんな例文をピックアップ。「後ほどお返事いたします。」これを”I will answer that later”と訳してしまうと、とくにビジネスで使うにはぶっきらぼうになってしまうそうです。お勧めの表現は”Would you mind if I answer that later”

■出演 ・カーラ先生(ETCマンツーマン英会話)

■聞き手 ・青樹洋文


(David A.Thayne、小池信孝 著、主婦の友社 刊) 

番組 Transcript

(※ 出演者が話した言葉をそのままテキストにして掲載しています。)

“I will answer that later”. Of course, again it really depends on how you say this thing on your intonation, on your expression. If you say “I answer you later” and you are smiling. And you are in a voice, it is very sweet or very kind and you say, “I am sorry. I can’t do it right now, because I am very busy and I have to go. But I will answer you later” And you look at the person’s face, and you have eye contact, and you smile, the person will not feel disappointed, will understand.

OK. But if you say, hardly look at the person, other things you are doing, “I’ll answer you later”, the opposite person reaction will fill like a little bit coldness. Or you hardly care about some advice or I am asking you for something since you are very busy and more important things to do.

So Sometimes in order not to make that person’s feeling that way, you’d better to say “would mind if answer that later.” And Even if you say it in a very fast way, and not looking at the person, the words speak by themselves to. You understand? So you would say “would mind if answer you later”, that means not I don’t care, you just, I’ve got hurry, I got to go, something like that.

◆使用楽曲 (BGM) “A nice world” of Electric grocery from DOGMAZIC
