
090519.mp3 (4分32秒)


デビッド・セインさんの『その英語ネイティブにはこう聞こえます』からこんな表現をピックアップしました。”お噂はかねがね伺っております。” これを”I heard about you.”と言ってしまうと、これは常にネガティブな意味合いで使うひと言で「ひどいことをしたんだね」「悪い噂を聞いているよ」といったニアンスになってしまうそうです。

■出演 ・カーラ先生(ETCマンツーマン英会話)

■聞き手 ・青樹洋文


(David A.Thayne、小池信孝 著、主婦の友社 刊) 

番組 Transcript

(※ 出演者が話した言葉をそのままテキストにして掲載しています。)

If you want to give that connotation, it’s possible.

Q: connotation?

Connotation means that meaning. OK? If you say I heard all about you. Oh what do you mean? Oh, it’s ok. Relax, don’t worry. Maybe you know it’s not only about bad things, maybe ironical way. Oh, for example, you have a, that is your boy friend, And your boy friend’s friend says “I heard all about you” or “oh my friend likes you, so I know a lot of things about you.” So the idea can change. Yeah.

The appearance, but the voice. The voice sounds. If you say “oh I heard all about you”, that’s very “oh, you know”. “Oh I’ve heard so much from you” So it’s probably nice things. But you can say, “I’ve heard so much from you… ” You know.

Q: You are very good actress.

It is Acting. The language is also acting. OK. It’s not about, I mean that the acting puts your emotion. It’s not only with words you can express how you feel. What you think about the situation. So you got to be a little bit expressing sincerely in order to people understand. I mean you don’t need the words sometimes, if you don’t be honest to use them.

Also the next time you hear these expressions in any kind of situation, maybe you hear them suddenly on the TV on movie on a song or someone is talking to somebody else or you are reading in the paper. Check it out and think about it. Then you will notice probably after follow through all this book or think about yourself, you will really notice much faster. And you will see the difference between one way or another way of the expression.

◆使用楽曲 (BGM) “A nice world” of Electric grocery from DOGMAZIC
