

ETCマンツーマン英会話 「英語に訳せそうで訳せない日本語というテーマでETC英会話のナオミ先生(荻窪)のレッスンを受けています。





I knew the word “ゆとり”, but I didn’t think they will use it like “ゆとり教育”.
I didn’t know you use it in that way.

Q “ゆとり教育”って言葉ありましたね。
Yes, which means Saturdays and Sundays, children don’t go to school.
“ゆとり教育” So I could understand it, but I was a kind of thinking why it is “ゆとり教育”.
It’s like a title.
So to me, it sounds like a new word.
I knew the word, but the way they use it now is quite different from what I know.
So you say “ゆとりある生活”, that’s true.
So you said “I would like to have a wealthy and peaceful life”.
You would also have to say like “healthy”.
And you would have to say all the good things.
So I thought maybe “I would like to have a favorable life”.
Something like “favorable”, which means maybe you have money, you have nice job, maybe, you have nice children.
You have everything, favorable things.
I thought “I would like to live a favorable life” or “I would like to live an advantageous life” is what I thought.
I also thought “livelihood”.
It said “生活”, it says, I thought “life” would be better.
So number one maybe “a favorable life”, number two an “advantageous life”, ideal.
It’s ideal, something you are have been to wishing for.

Q “ゆとり教育” はどういうふうに訳しますか
When I hear it in Japanese,,,
But if I have to say that in English, it means maybe you have more things to do, you have more time to do something for yourself.
Maybe there is no one word for that.


favorable  順調な
advantageous  有利な




◆使用楽曲 (BGM)
“Movie Star * (The Making Of X) by Loveshadow

◆ポッドキャストのダウンロードや購読は、iTunes – Podcast – 「RadioETC」からも可能です。
