
ETCマンツーマン英会話 受講4ヶ月で670点から705点に昨年(2006年)10月からレッスンを始めれれた小林さん。TOEIC受験料プレゼントキャンペーンにも応募され、受講4ヶ月で670点から705点に得点を伸ばされました。


☆ 『リスニングは着実にアップ、今後の課題はリーディング』 小林さん





ETCマンツーマン英会話使用した教材は『TOEIC公式問題集』(国際ビジネスコミュニケーション協会)と、ボキャブラリ増強に『TOEIC TEST英単語スピードマスター』(Jサーチ出版)。テストの音声に慣れること、テスト形式に慣れることが目的です。




◎TOEICスコア  9月:670(リスニング340、リーディング330)  1月:705(リスニング365、リーディング340)





正しい文法で英語を話したいので、誤りはその都度修正していただきながら、レコーダーに録音して、レッスン後に、電車で何度も繰り返して聴くようにしています。 後は私が、もっと予習復習をやれば、いいだけという感じです。







☆ ETCからの手紙

ETCマンツーマン英会話小林さま  この度は数多い英会話スクールの中よりETCプライベートレッスンをお選び下さり厚くお礼申し上げす。ETCでは会員の皆様が夫々の目的をはやく達成出来る様、スタッフがサイドからお手伝いをさせて頂いて居ります。個人教授は先生とのコミュニケーションが特に大切なので、始めの1,2回のうちに、気のついた事や希望をのべて下さい。本当は自分で言うのが一番良いのですが無理な場合は担当に相談して下さい。




 株式会社イーティーシー 福本光一郎 拝

☆ 『レッスンレポート』  シャリ先生

Sutudent data intermediate to high intermediate level

Lesson 1, Date:1-Oct-06 ・Content I asked her about herself, her language experiences and her goals. ETCマンツーマン英会話 Shari Custer先生・Next lesson I’ll try out a textbook on her and see if she likes it. ・Comments She’d like to have something to study before the lesson and then review what she studied in the lesson; will study grammar and vocab. On her own and is mainly concerned with improving fluency and accuracy; black coffee, milk tea (no sugar)

Lesson 2, Date 8-Oct-06 ・Content She talked about her work situation a bit and about in which situations she feels free to offer various opinions in (TIY 3 classroom lesson #2); she also chose Impact Issues as her textbook. ・Weak points She makes some basic grammar mistakes, especially the more rapidly she speaks but can communicate well;

Lesson 3, Date 15-Oct-06 ・Content We did the first lesson in Impact Issues. ・Comments She prepares well and expresses herself pretty well. She has some katakana pron. And makes grammar errors but can self-correct if prompted. She’s taking the TOEIC next Sunday so her lesson will be held later.

Lesson 4, Date 22-Oct-06 ・Content We did the second Impact Issues lesson. She can express herself well but still makes a lot of grammar errors; self-correcting less than before ・Next lesson TOEIC reading practice, Impact Issues lesson 3 if time permits. ・Comments She said her TOEIC score is 670 and she’d like to get 700. Her reading is 320 and her listening is 350 which is why we’ll work on her reading next week.

Lesson 5, Date 5-Nov-06 ・Content I tried to teacher her some TOEIC reading techniques because she expressed interest in them in her last lesson though I’m not sure how well she absorbed them. In a few more lessons, I’ll try it again. I encouraged her to practice on her own. ・Next lesson Impact Issues lesson 3 Comments She was 15 minutes late because she caught the wrong train and overshot Asagaya.

Lesson 6, Date 12-Nov-06 ・Content Half of lesson 3 of Impact Issues and a fair bit of related discussion and some conversation about her job. ・Next lesson the rest of lesson 3

Lesson 7, Date 19-Nov-06 ・Content Impact Issues lesson 3 (second half) and a fair amount of discussion about food. I covered hard/hardly and the usage of “diet”.

Lesson 8, Date 26-Nov-06 ・Content Impact Issues lesson 4 (a little more than half) and a game of 20 questions to get her some question practice. ・Next lesson the rest of lesson 4 ・Weak points She has a lot of intermittent grammar difficulty but can make herself understood.

Lesson 10, Date 10-Dec-06 ・Content TOEIC reading tips lesson (3.5 page lesson I made) ・Next lesson Impact Issues lesson 5 ・Comments She’s taking the TOEIC again in Januray. She had some problems with the middle example where you use the order of information in the target setnece to help decide the answer.

Lesson 11, Date 17-Dec-06 ・Content Impact Issues Lesson 5 ・Next lesson Impact Issues Lesson 6 or a Christmas theme lesson ・Weak points She still makes a lot of careles grammar errors.

Lesson 12, Date 24-Dec-06 ・Content Impact Issues lesson 6 and some free conversation about her future goals. ・Next lesson Active Business communication preview and Impact Issues lesson 7 if we have time. ・Comments She wants to start alternating business English with conversation practice.

Lesson 12, Date 29-Dec-06 ・Content Active Business communication preview and Impact Issues lesson 7 (mainly first part but the top half of the second part)

Lesson 13, Date 21-Jan-07 ・Content We did the first half of Impact Issues lesson 6 (we only did one of the opinions on the second page). ・Weak points When she’s unfocussed or tired, she makes more grammar errors.

Lesson 14, Date 28-Jan-07 ・Content She hadn’t prepared for the lesson so we talked about her work and work-related vocab. (I.O.U., checks, money orders, raw materials, materials, products) ・Weak points She makes careless errors with plurals and agreement.

Lesson 16, Date 11-Feb-07 ・Content Impact Issues Lesson 8 ・Weak points She has problems matching subjects and verbs as well as using “anything” and “nothing” Comments She got 705 on her TOEIC (showing some improvement in both reading and listening)
